a curse for true love

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Please, Little Fow, remember. - Jacks, page 213

Being yours does not make you mine. - Jacks, page 232

I love you, Jacks. I used to wonder if fate was real. I used to fear it meant that I had no real choices. Then I secretly hoped fate was real and that you and I were fated, that by some miraculous chance I was your true love. But now I don't care if fate is real- because I don't need it to decide for me. I don't need it to make this choice. I've made my decicion, Jacks. It's you. It will always be you, until the end of time. and I'll fight fate or anyone who tries to break us apart- including you . You are my choice. You are my love. You are mine. And you are not going to be the end of me, Jacks. - Evangeline, page 345

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