Chapter 8: Dance Of Fire

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The evening before the ball, Lily received her custom made dress, specially designed by her friend, Ava and sewn by the best seamstress in town.

It was a red, beautiful dress, simple yet awfully charming. Long sleeved with a V-neck line, wide enough to show off her necklace resting on her collarbone but not enough to reveal any part of her chest.

The edge of the neck line of the dress was decorated with a white, somewhat see-through satin material, which was joined at the centre using a fine, red jewel. The dress simply tightened at her torso, accentuating her waist line and her curves.

Lillian liked how simple, yet beautiful the dress was and from the look on her mother's face, she admired it as well.

"Gilbert would love this on you, don't you agree, sweetheart?," she smiled at Lily and Lily gave a smile back, though it was forced and tense.

Ever since her escapade to the catacombs a few days ago, where she had discovered something so gut churning, she had found it hard to think, to talk less of speaking about the Prince.

He had written her another letter since that day, expressing his excitement for their little picnic. She couldn't say the feeling was mutual, however.

She had just begun to feel a certain discomfort when thinking about or being in the presence of the royal family. As though her body was informing her that she could not afford to trust them.

How could she marry a man who she did not trust? Although, judging from the conversation she had overheard between the King and Queen, Gilbert seemed to be unaware of whatever they had going on beneath.

"You could learn to be more comfortable around him, Lily," her mother chuckled, noticing her grimace.

"I am," Lily replied, before cringing visibly at her obvious lie. "I am not looking forward to marrying him, however."

"He is a good boy," her mother touched her shoulder lightly, giving her a pointed look.

Lillian chuckled softly, awkwardly. "I'm sure he is..."

"I know you are skeptical...but you have a few more years before you're ripe for marriage-," her mother began, comfortingly.

"Mother, don't say it like that. You make me sound like a prey ready for slaughter," Lily cringed but laughed softly regardless, as the term somewhat amused her.

"The point is," her mother rolled her eyes. "You are a beautiful, young lady, and Gilbert is a handsome, young man."

"Who would better suit me?," Lily completed her mother's words, already knowing what she intended to say.

"Your father and I would be so happy," my mother smiled. "And you would be too."

"Mother, I genuinely don't think so...Gilbert, he doesn't like me," Lily sighed. "In fact, I think he may be unable to romantically fancy someone like me."

"Why would you think so?," her mother rolled her eyes.

"I don't think so, mother. I believe so," Lily replied. But her mother only chuckled, obviously amused and not at all moved.

"Come now, darling. Let us go home and prepare for tomorrow. It is going to be a busy day," her mother said, beginning to walk out of the shop, leaving Lillian to walk behind her.

The ball was planned by the King, so rightfully, it would be held at the castle. Lillian was already aware that it was going to be a hectic day, where she would be forced to stand beside and accompany prince Gilbert.

The thought left a bland taste in her mouth. It wasn't that she wasn't going to enjoy the ball, however. She would get to spend time with Ava and she would get to show off the dance skills governess Lumina had been teaching her.

And it wasn't as if Lillian was a reserved person. On the contrary, she genuinely enjoyed loved socialising, unfortunately, she did not get a lot of chances to do so.

However, whenever her mother rode out to town, she would socialise with even the townspeople. There was a reason she had come to b the kingdom's sweetheart.

Even in the regions Lily hadn't visited, she was popular as the word of her kind, social nature had spread far. Sadly, her parents had insisted she be raised within the walls of the estate they lived in.

The highlight of the ball was the masquerade dance, an unofficial tradition, where skilled contortionists performed a dance specially for the royal family. It was only very popular because it was a dance where the dancers risked their lives.

It was popularly called The Dance Of Fire.

As Lillian had never been to a the ball before, she had never seen this dance. And the rumours of how spectacular it was did nothing but feed the young lady's curiosity and excitement.

So as she was not looking forward to practicing for her future role of the prince's fiancèe, she certainly was looking forward to witnessing the infamous dance of fire.

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