Deck Bio Demon One: Bela Sakaki

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Name: Bela Sakaki

Race: [redacted] (Definitely not human)

Age: 16

Gender: female

Height: 5'10

Weight: 116 pounds

Hobbies: dueling, reading, playing the Piano

Likes: dueling, finding where the opponent who can actually back up their talk, playing the piano, reading, When her and her brother crush their enemies.

Dislikes: annoying individuals, people who pride themselves too much with not way to back it up, The professor, yuya When he's being too naive.


Personality (masked): with her mask on she is

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Personality (masked): with her mask on she is... Expressionative, happily playing the piano for crowds to applaud to. She is quiet reserved and always watching, always with a smile, She puts on a front the true sister mentality if you will. When she's masked she acts as a social butterfly.

Personality (unmasked): sadistic, cunning, frightening, dangerous, and powerful, utilizing her unknown alien powers to crush any and all those who were in her and her brother's way. However despite her having a more sadistic tendency, and a more... Barian outlook on everything, she can show compassion but to those who have earned her respect. She does deeply care for her family, however because of the lies, and truth around the world and the one of the past, she does not put up with others well, especially the likes of fusion and obelisk force, Yuri and the professor, and even to an extent her own brother Yuya, because of his obsession with their fathers ideology of dueling. She is not a heartless monster, nor is she an emotionally detached individual, It's more I'm on the lines of saying that she's more of an emperor or God. When she reviews her true self.

Duel disk:

(Ignore the main man himself Dom Thousand, shes just borrowing/stealing/owning his duel disk real quick)

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(Ignore the main man himself Dom Thousand, shes just borrowing/stealing/owning his duel disk real quick)


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