Chapter One: When Heaven shines, Hell screams

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Location: XYZ Dimension

"This is Obelisk force one requesting backup!"

"This is Obelisk force four requesting backup!"

"Command please respond where dropping like flies out here!"


"Yes yes I hear you, what is it? Where is your location!"

"Aster sir! It's a nightmare where located at the heart of heartland! B-but please send reinforcements quickly! First squad is almost gone!"

"Soldier! Calm down! I'm already sending Obelisk squad five and seven, over one hundred more men or on there way, now please calm yourself and tell me what is the problem!"

"S-sir! It's the demon duelist!"

The one they referred to as Aster froze... Why of all the people to appear... It was those two!

"Keep up the assault! We cannot allow them to find out outpost! I'm contacting the Tyler sisters, and all Elite operatives in your area! Just hold the like until reinforcements arrive!"

"O-ok command-"


The sound of a wall shattering was heard, the com line suddenly shut off making the commander worried as all he could hear was the muffled screaming, and the sounds of men fighting.

He crossed his fingers as his soldiers behind looked on in worry, they've never seen their commander this stressed before...


The static it stopped...

And he made the most of it.



A woman's voice, not belonging to any of his men shined threw the Vail of static, he flinched... Chaos draw that could only mean...

'Shit! It's Bela!'

"I activate the spell card rank up magic the Seventh one! And with its power you all will be sent to the depths of hell!"

Some like of static electricity begins a perforate through the communication system, however before Aster could ask anything the device exploded in his face, sending him skidding back.

Thankfully his clothing/protective under armor absorbed most of the blast, however the flames had singed his hands, making him grunt in pain.

"I want every available Obelisk blue we have on station to head towards that last transmission, hopefully they stall long enough for us to be able to finally put them down!"

"B-but sir... Calling back our forces will give the rebels the ability to-"

"ENOUGH!!" Aster slammed his fist into the wall next to him as he glared at the soldier who dares question his orders. "DONT YOU SEE IT! This has been going on for way too long! We should have taken them as bigger threats and now look at what happened! Over 500 Obelisk Blue having beaten by both of them! That totals to over 1000 of our men put out of commission! They have proven to be a greater threat then the forces at that duel school, the rebels, and even the like of Kite Tenjo! The man who's single-handedly been pushing back our very advances is nothing to them! They aren't humans there demons! And it's time we sent them back to hell where they belong! Now gather up every man in this base, and surrounding area, call back the scouting parties, get the damn Tyler sisters on the coms and move out! Where going Demon hunting today!"

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