Chapter Two Knights Vs Demon

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*Three days sense the Sakaki siblings arrived to standard*

Quite a bit has happened in the time since they arrived.

They watched as Yuya won his battle with the sledgehammer and performed his first ever Pendulum Summon.

They watched from afar as he battled his way through the struggles of not being able to use the power of the pendulum summon, trying to make it his own style.

Lastly, they witnessed his duel with the LEO Corporation Elite, Sylvio Sawatari, a hotshot who thinks his hot shit is actually a freaking second-hand embarrassment.

Currently, though, they are witnessing the end of their rematch. The jackass Sawatari had kidnapped the three children of Your Show dueling school in order to force Yuya into getting into a duel with him, and to make matters worse, he stole his pendulum cards in order to use them against him.

However, Yuya, much to their surprise, Has seemed to have grown a lot more skilled in his dueling sense since they last saw him, being able to best Sawatari even though he was using his own cards against him, making Bela a little happy at their brother's progression towards forming his own duel style, while Shizaku was contemplating murder because Sawatari had made Yuzu upset.

But it was over; Sawatari was taken away, and they returned to the duel school, which is where the two siblings decided to head off next.

*Present Day*

Currently Yuya was talking with Sora, a new guy to the school and we'll apparently his new student, but outside the school two individuals walked straight in.

They wondered the halls until they were able to hear Yuya and this new kid, they went into a silent hallway that allowed them to spy on the duo.

It seemed like they're brother was definitely putting up one hell of a fight, However what annoyed them both, Bela more so, was that their brother wasn't using any special summoning style along with pendulum summoning.

With all the monsters he's able to summon he would be easily able to XYZ summon or hell maybe even fusion summon, if he had a polymerization, shit synchro summoning wouldn't be off the table either. Just get yourself a tuner monster, then you summon it out with the non tunner monster because pendulum summoning let's you summon multiple monsters. And boom you're able to tune together to form a synchro monster.

But would really got them was when Odd-Eyes was destroyed.

Yuya became... Well disheartened. He began to spiral into a heavy sense of worry that caused Bela to snicker.

So she began to move, catching Shizaku attention as he saw her going to the control room where the head of the dual school was currently stationed.

Bela not knowing the meaning of subtlety Spartan kicked the door down scaring the shit out of the head of the school, who turned around only to see Bela standing there.

Bela not knowing the meaning of subtlety Spartan kicked the door down scaring the shit out of the head of the school, who turned around only to see Bela standing there

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