Chapter Three Bait And Trap

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???: and that's the last bit of footage before the shockwave destroyed the hidden cameras in that area sir... I hope this is acceptable.

???: it is, we now have video evidence of the twins exsitence.

???: what now? Are you going to approach them?

???: Hmmm.....

The man in the chair looked at the video, he observed the Duelist Bela Sakaki in her duel against the masked Duelist, the same individual who had thrashed Sawatari and a deep sense of unease came to his gut.

Her duel energy held alot of malice within, a deep sense of rage and sinister might was etched within the depths of her art, it reminded him of fusion. And he had believed she was of the fusion dimension, but no...

There was something more, the readings where off the charts.

Her Dragon, Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon, that dark was filled to the brim with powerful duel energy, so much so it was picked up by there scanners almost immediately, however when she XYZ summoned, (which was a whole different matter all together) that card. Number 90: Galaxy-Eyes Photon Lord, it caused a crash.

He's never heard of anyone possessing that much power, let alone such an arsenal for destruction along thr lines of her. Every monster she summoned, every beast it was miraculous. A miracle made real...

Especially when Cipher X Dragon came to.

A rank ten monster.... A creature of legend in this dimension. Although he could control such a card, his D/D/D Deviser King Deus Machinex couldn't compare to this powerhouse of a Dragon, and with the ease she could summon him, with another opponents monster none the less and only requiring said opponents monster. It made him wonder what else she has up her sleeve.

???: what should we do President?

???: Observe for now, if the Leo institute tries to bring them both in now, will have a disaster on our hands. But if at all possible get eye contact on the last Sakaki, Shizaku Sakaki.

???: if I may ask, why him? Compared to his sister and brother Shizaku Sakaki hasn't been a major "player" in a sense, wouldn't it be best to only observe Yuya and Bela?

???: no, Shizaku Sakaki is just as important to the future of our dimension as his siblings, not to mention, *he looks at his bio*, there is something off about him. Unlike Bela who hides her true intent with a mask that only cracks during a duel she found "Enjoyable" as shown with the Masked Duelist, of Yuto as he calls himself now. Or Yuya who radiants a purely positive aura that seems to heal those around him. Shizaku Sakaki is different he isn't as malicious as his sister, nor is he as good and innocent as his brother Yuya, instead he is an observer, a quiet watcher but also a sadist that enjoys watching his opponent get angered or suffer under his control style duel. However that's what we can gain under only duel records, after there disappearance last year, it seems there showing more of who they truly are as Duelist now. So monitor him as well, if any duel between those three happen, report it.

???: As you wish president.

The man in the suit walked out as the man in the chair sighed and leaned back.

???: Shizaku Sakaki... Bela Sakaki... Yuya Sakaki... One pure of heart, one vengeful, and one that is Sinister, they share such difference, and yet it's that difference they share makes them similar and conjoined at a level i cannot for tell. Maybe it's the world's way of sharing the pain the Sakaki family has suffered, maybe a darker force was behind there birth, or maybe.... No I can't let speculations like these drive my focus, as of now I need to keep an eye on them."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06 ⏰

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