An Unlikely Alliance - 2

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Insane. The Whole Khan clan was insane. These people did not know the concept of privacy. They were so intrusive that meerab feared that they had some sort of detective agency.

One month. It had been a month since that disastrous twilight when she got engaged to that bastard. And since the beat she had slid the ring past his finger, her life had teetered upside down. Since then, everything has been awful to say at least. She had tried every tactic to convince her parents but was always met with disappointment.

The only thing that facilitated her some solace was law school. It had been ten days since she stepped into the institution and she had loved it. The freedom, the fresh breeze, her friends, everything proved to be a perfect mind diverter to her.

With her busy schedule, she had almost passed over that she was engaged and she loved it. Because whenever she tried to think about her engagement, her mind would fly back to him and their not-so-bad kiss. And that was the problem.

Earlier, she loathed him but now there was this unknown emotion accompanying her pondering. Well, truth to be told, the kiss was okayish. Actually no, it was awesome and that's why this exemplified her need to kill him.

Always being a bookworm, she had tried her hands on some of the not-so-educational books at her friend's insistence and she knew how things would exist with her future partner. But never in her dreams, she had thought that her future partner would be that jerk.

So what if he was one of the most handsome men she had seen? So what if he had a great dressing sense? So what if he smelled divine? So what if he had kissable he was an egoistic asshole. That's it!

After their engagement, Murtasim Khan had disappeared into thin air and meerab breathed a sigh of relief. But since the path can never be smooth, a crinkle appeared in the form of her bodyguard sent by none other than her arch-nemesis turned fiance. As if she was not going to a university but a warzone. Totally a bluffmaster he was.

That bodyguard was accompanying her to every corner of the university and she was vexed. And because everybody loved her grumpy mood, to further ver her, her parents informed her about their trip to Hyderabad for his birthday. It was the same old tale about how it was his first birthday as her fiance and then some behaviour lessons and then a whole script of the same "Khaandaan ki izzat".

To hell with their izzat.

It was late afternoon when her classes wrapped up. The first year of law school was no joke. There were consistent assignments, projects, and seminars but truth be told, meerab liked it all. After all, it was her childhood dream.

Currently, she was coming out of the campus with her best friend Saba, when she noticed Murtasim, who was casually leaning against his sleek black Mercedes parked in front of the campus. What the hell was he doing here?

Her blood pressure immediately rose at his sudden presence. He looked impeccable, as if he walked straight out of a magazine photoshoot, in his black trousers and tuxedo, paired with a white shirt, and sleeves casually rolled up. His hair was perfect, his ray-ban sunglasses resting at the bridge of his nose; meerab noticed. Well, she was not checking him out. His mere presence was enough for her to grit her teeth out in frustration.

He was on call as soon as he noticed her presence, he disconnected the call.
His face contoured in his Murtasim Khan smirk, He slowly approached her. Meerab wanted the earth to shatter and swallow her whole. She just could not bear his presence.

He casually approached her and greeted her, "Good evening, fiancè".
It was not a good evening. Not at least for her, so she decided to remain silent.
Saba greeted him and received his curt nod in response. As she tried to bid meerab goodbye, she simply held her arm.

Meerasim: An Unlikely AllianceWhere stories live. Discover now