1. Sadistic Snickers

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"GingerBrave, you know me. I'm not going to do anything stupid."

Oh, how ironic.

GingerBrave's feet flew across the grass, holding his candycane out in front of him.

"I've read about it. I'll be careful, I promise. Besides, the only reason you're scared is because GingerBright told you scary stories over a campfire about the possessions."

GingerBrave could hear his chuckle ringing in his ears. He could see his head shake. He hoped desperately that the report had been wrong. What was his reasoning for the risk again? GingerBrave tried to recall...

"I've heard of a secret library hidden away from prying eyes. Filled with books upon books about magic and history that almost no cookie has ever seen before! I know it sounds ridiculous, but it wouldn't hurt to try, right?"

GingerBrave shook his head. If only he knew.

Wizard had never been the one to be naïve, but that's the word that came to mind. Foolish. He remembered his sheepish smile while telling him why he was going. His words before he walked out the door...

"I promise, I'll be careful. You'll see, I'll be back tonight, completely unharmed. Here, I'll even let you track my phone in case something does go wrong... which it won't. Stop worrying, okay? I love you."

He could still feel the kiss on his cheek. Could it only have been this morning?

He checked his phone. No, yesterday morning. It was 2am now. He checked Wizards location, he was getting close. GingerBrave was now regretting not bringing anyone with him. He definitely could've brought someone with him. He felt the news report playing over and over again in his brain...

"Breaking news! The dreaded 'Azure Flame Staff' has gone missing! Witnesses state that a hooded figure had broken into the containment and stolen it, which is confirmed by the limited security footage that we have. The suspect was seen to get consumed by the flame, before all of our cameras at the scene went dark, burning out. All information on who the figure may be, or any spotting's of them should be reported immediately. Any cookie who provides solid information leading to the capture of this cookie and the return of the staff shall be granted with a reward of up to twenty thousand coins."

If only he had stayed back and called the number that flashed on screen, he probably could've had a whole army with him and reward money. But no, it was too risky. Wizard could get arrested, or worse. This was a major crime he committed.

GingerBrave felt a nagging guilt. Why had he let him do that?! All dressed up in those cloaks sealing his identity... he said it was because he would be cold, but he's never cold! GingerBrave should've known that.

Of course, Wizard hadn't wanted to steal the staff, he knew the consequences would be major and he wouldn't be able to control it, but GingerBrave should've known it would call out to him, daring him to come forward. Taking over his mind and tempting him with magic more powerful than any other on earthbread. There was no doubt that was Wizard in the report, but GingerBrave still kept his hopes up. Even if he hadn't returned home, maybe he just went out to take a walk...?

GingerBrave let out a small laugh. Ridiculous. A nice, long walk in the dark words. Absurd.

He checked his phone. He was getting closer. Would he even be able to handle Wizard now? Possibly possessed by this evil entity? Well, he was going to find out soon enough.

GingerBrave skirted to a stop. This was it. He didn't see Wizard, but this is where the tracker led. He whipped around, squinting. Had it been wrong? Where was he in all this dead foliage?

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