2. Same Place, Same Face

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When GingerBrave finally came to, the first thing he was aware of was the throbbing pain in his calf. Second, was the feeling that he was still bound down, but now he was sitting up. Probably tied to a chair like in those movies. His eyes flickered open as he groaned in pain and annoyance, realizing he was also gagged. Did Azure really have to do that, too? He shook his head to shake off the wooziness of waking up and panic settled in. He whipped his head around, craning it to see his surroundings.

It had been a while, but he recognized the room he was in.

Wizard Cookies tower.

He felt a bit relieved that he recognized where he was, but then panic overcame that relief again. He was in the middle of the woods! No one would find him here! When would they even realize he and Wizard's been missing too long and send some cookie to search for them? Maybe two days would go by before anyone even gave a thought about their disappearance, since he runs off a lot, but add that up with the fact at the Azure Flame Staff had gone missing.... would that lessen his chances of getting found or make them better?

He tried to move his arms, but he was tied down from his elbow to his hand. His brows furrowed in frustration. He then tried to move his good leg, then his torso. No use. Azure was probably a master at holding captives. He leaned his head back and groaned again, less out of frustration and more to be heard... if Azure was even here. When no one answered, he started yelling, although all his words were unintelligible and muffled. Maybe if he made enough of a racket, Azure would come and explain some things. Hoping to be untied would just lead to disappointment.

After about two minutes of screaming and struggling boisterously, Azure stomped into the room, looking aggravated. When GingerBrave caught sight of him, he started spraying insults at it that Azure would never hear. "Oh, be quiet! You think gagging you would do something to muffle your screams, but noooo! I can hear you from the other room!" It stomped over and glared at GingerBrave like he was a piece of gum it found on the bottom of its shoe.

In response to his complaint, GingerBrave let out the loudest scream he could, causing Azure to cover his ears and cringe. "Okay, okay! I'll remove the cloth, dammit!" He scowled, GingerBrave stopped screaming and nodded. Azure grabbed a corner of the cloth stuffed in his mouth and pulled it out. "But if you start screaming bloody murder again, I'll stuff your mouth with a dirty sock instead. Are we clear?" GingerBrave nodded again and Azure completely removed the gag, causing GingerBrave to take a deep breath and exhale loudly. Azure rolled his eyes. "Drama queen," he muttered.

GingerBrave wanted to retort, but his throat hurt from screeching and he was still too dazed to come up with a good insult. Instead, he asked, "Can I please have a cup of water?" trying to sound as unfriendly as possible.

Azure just rolled his eyes and left the room. In a minute, he was back with a glass of water which he thrust to GingerBraves lips aggressively and ordered, "Drink."

GingerBrave could barely talk without getting water in his mouth, but managed to ask, "Why is it sweet tasting and kinda blue?"

"I said drink." Azure scowled, pressing the glass more aggressively against his lips. GingerBrave had the thought that Azure may be trying to poison him and turned his head away so quickly and unexpectedly the glass flew out from Azures hand and shattered on the floor next to the chair. Azure gave a look of shock while staring at the broken glass on the floorboards, but it quickly arranged back into a scowl as he turned his head back towards GingerBrave. "What is wrong with you?!" he exclaimed.

"What's wrong with you?! You were trying to poison me!" GingerBrave wanted to match his tone, but his throat still hurt so much...

"You moron! That was sleep medicine. If I wanted you dead I would've killed you already! You know this!" Azure threw his hands up in exasperation. "I just want you to shut up and sleep so I can leave and get medical supplies to bandage up your stupid wound because your boyfriend doesn't have the brains to restock on bandages." He huffed and turned away.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08 ⏰

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