Chapter 1

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Team 7 assembled and began their training while waiting for their sensei to arrive. Kakashi eventually showed up and helped them train, putting them against each other in sparring sessions. Naruto defeated Sakura easily while Sasuke and Kakashi had a close match.

Kakashi left shortly after the sparing session.

"Well, I'm off. I promised Tsunade to come see her during lunch break," Sakura said waiting for Sasuke to reply, but he didn't even acknowledge her presence. She frowned and then looked over at Naruto who was still trying to perfect her new wind style jutsu.

After Sakura left, Naruto sighed and approached a very grumpy-looking Sasuke.

He was trying to build up the chakra on his left eye to master Amaterasu. Naruto being Naruto interrupted his training causing Sasuke to fall on his back resulting in an eyesore on his left eye. Sasuke was mad at her and tried to shove her off. Naruto ignored it and used nine tails chakra to heal his eye.
Sasuke muttered "dumbass" under his breath

Itachi arrived with lunch boxes on their training ground, but Sasuke completely ignored him, much to Itachi's disappointment. Naruto tried to console Itachi and said "I'll make sure that Sasuke eats them, Itachi." Itachi smiled and patted her head, Naruto had a tiny blush on her face. Well, Naruto has a little crush on Itachi.

Naruto teased Sasuke, "How long are you going to pretend to train while eavesdropping?"

You're so loud, Dobe," was Sasuke's reply while getting up.

"Don't call me 'Dobe', Teme!" Naruto yelled at Sasuke as she aimed a punch straight at his face. Sasuke was quick to react. He blocked her punch with his left arm and then attempted to twist her right arm behind her back. However, Naruto managed to evade him by bending down and kicking his ankles. Seeing that Sasuke was about to fall into the mud, Naruto quickly caught him.

"Looks like you lost. I'm too hungry to take care of your bastard attitude right now. Let's have lunch; I'm going to die if I don't have your mom's food soon!" she shouted the last sentence dramatically.

Naruto dragged Sasuke over to the bench and the duo opened their lunch boxes. His mother was renowned for her ability to prepare and decorate food, and she had taken care to include more tomatoes than lettuce, knowing her son's preferences. Sasuke took a small bite and smiled it made him feel warm inside. He was the youngest son of the Uchiha clan's head family, always living in the shadow of his older brother Itachi, who was a genius and prodigy admired by all.

Mikoto Uchiha - Sasuke's mother - was the only person to care about him. She kept saying that Fugaku - Sasuke's 'oh-so-wonderful' father - loved him and cared about him, but since his father had never shown it - even once - during the sixteen years of his existence, he never believed her. Now, he didn't care about his cold father and cocky brother, he had his mother and the rest didn't matter to him. One day, he'd show them all that he was worthy of being a Uchiha.

Sasuke was disturbed by Naruto's loud words of praise. Sasuke was grateful to Naruto for being his only friend and rival.

"Hey, back to Earth Sasuke, back to you earth Sasuke!" Naruto screamed at his face and waved a slender hand in front of his face. Sasuke never found this absurd feeling but Naruto being so close to his face made his heart beat faster.

"back off, Naruto. You're being an idiot." Said Sasuke.

"Can you try to behave like a 16-year-old, just this once Sasuke"?

Sasuke got flustered"W-what did you just say"?

Naruto was about to reply to him but they both heard the footsteps of the pink banshee their annoying teammate Sakura.
Damn Sakura is back already, said Naruto.

Sasuke just hned...

Sakura approached us with news of a mission from the Hokage.
Naruto got excited and hugged Sasuke which didn't go unnoticed by Sakura. "Sasuke was still wondering why his heart was beating faster at that particular moment.".

Sakura disregarded it and rushed them.

Team 7 shunshined themselves to the Hokage's office.
This caught the Hokage off guard lol.
Tsunade scolded them for their actions.
"Granny you are as bad-tempered as ever" said Naruto with a wide grin.

"Brat, you're as loud as ever! You better shut up now" Tsunade bit back.

Now let's get back to the mission's details.
She starts by explaining what Team 8 has already found.
"You must infiltrate the village and investigate to identify the boss of this organization and save the villagers. We believe he's in there, however, if he isn't, try and gather as much information as possible", she explained and began to clarify their objectives.

"You want us to go undercover," Naruto asked curiously.
"Yes," Tsunade replied. "And guess what? We've already prepared your covers."

Naruto was about to respond, but Sasuke cut her off by asking, "We?"

'we' means me and Team Eight. They advised me since they were in contact with the villagers said Tsunade.

Naruto can't take the suspense anymore, "Granny spit it out already" Is it something outrageous?

Sakura hits Naruto on her head to silence her. Naruto looks back at Sakura and controls her anger. That bitch is getting on my nerves!

Very well, listen, Team 7 your mission is to capture members of the terrorist organization and Sasuke and Naruto, you're a married couple. Naruto, you're pregnant, and Sakura, you're her doctor," and finally, she said it.

She was met with complete silence.

"What?" they all screamed, including the composed Uchiha, who lost his composer hearing Tsunade's plan. He was supposed to be married to Naruto, who in turn was supposed to be pregnant with their child.

Naruto couldn't take it anymore are you okay? "Is your head hurt or something granny? Pregnant? Me out of everything! and married!".

This is ridiculous. "Why do I have to be the Teme's wife? Can't you see Sakura obsessing over him all her life? She would make it a lot more believable, thanks to that".

"Please spare me this crap," added Naruto.

"Yeah" screamed Sakura agreeing with Naruto tho she trash-talked her in the process.

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