Chapter 4

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At 6 AM, the members of Team Seven were supposed to meet at the main gates as planned the previous day, everyone had to wear casual clothes in case they met ninjas or people from waves during their trip to the village.

Sasuke's mother looked up from her work as he approached. "Heading out already, Sasuke?"

Sasuke nodded. "Yeah, we have a mission."

Sasuke's mother sighed softly. "Alright, Sasuke. Just be careful out there, and remember, I'm always here for you."

Sasuke nodded, a hint of appreciation in his eyes. "Thanks, Mom. I'll see you when I get back."

With a final nod, Sasuke turned and headed towards the mission rendezvous point, leaving his mother standing in the doorway, watching him go with a mix of pride and concern.

Sasuke arrived first, wearing black jeans and a dark blue tank top. His pale skin contrasted well with his dark clothing, at the same time as it made him blend in well with the villagers.

Sakura arrived next, wearing a white summer dress. She checked her appearance and approached Sasuke, She wanted to look good for Sasuke her objective was to make Sasuke look at her in another light after this mission. She wanted to prove to him that she could be a good girlfriend, and not as annoying as she'd appeared in younger years.

"Good morning Sasuke-kun!" she greeted him, smiling and blushing slightly, as she took in his appearance.

"Hn." Of course, I had sensed her approaching. It was clear that she was hoping to get a reaction out of me, but I wasn't going to grace her with one. That girl is desperate; she could mistake anything as an acknowledgement of any form of advance coming from me. Why doesn't she understand that I'm not interested in her? Even when I ran away from her yesterday.

Sakura sighed as she noticed Sasuke barely looked at her. "Well, that wasn't what I was expecting," she thought. She tried to start a conversation with him, but he remained unresponsive. Sighing, she settled down on her little green backpack, waiting for Naruto. "This is why I said I'll play the wife role," she muttered to herself. "Tsunade is so biased; she always preferred Naruto over me."

Naruto still hadn't arrived, which made Sasuke worry, though he didn't show it on his face.


Naruto hurriedly grabbed her bag for the mission before rushing out of her apartment.

On her way, she met Konahamaru,

Konohamaru: "Hey, Naruto Onee-chan Where are you off to in such a hurry?"

Naruto: "Hey, Konohamaru! I'm heading to the main gates for a mission."

Konohamaru: "Oh, I know a shortcut! Come on, follow me!"

Naruto: running after Konohamaru "Wow, this is great! Thanks, Konohamaru!"

Konohamaru: stops abruptly "Uh-oh... It's a one-way street. We can't go this way."

Naruto: panicking "What? Shit, I'm already late!"

Konohamaru: "Sorry about that, Onee-chan. I guess my shortcut wasn't so short after all."

Naruto: breathing heavily "It's okay, Konohamaru. Thanks for trying to help. I'll just have to run the rest of the way."

Konohamaru: "I'll come with you! We can make it in time together."

Naruto and Konohamaru sprinted towards the main gates, Naruto pushing herself to the limit to make up for lost time. As they neared the location, Naruto could see her teammates waiting for her.
She bid goodbye to Konahamaru and approached them.

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