"Where did it come from?"

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  Kickin woke up the next day, laying next to Bubba, who was still asleep. As Kickin sat up and rubbed his eyes and looked forward, his squawked, causing Bubba to wake up.

Bubba sat up and looked at Kickin in confusion, and looked the same direction as him.

"What the actual fuck" is the only thing they could say to describe how they felt towards what they saw.

It's was an egg. An egg at Kickins feet. A medium sized egg, with the colors baby blue and yellow.

 A medium sized egg, with the colors baby blue and yellow

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(Ignore my terrible drawing skills 🥲)

   "You don't think..." Kickin said while slowly turning to Bubba.

"Nah, male chickens don't lay eggs" Bubba replied before Kickin could finish his sentence.

"Right....but how will we tell the others?" Kickin as he sat up and slowly picked up the bizarre looking egg.

"Its specifically the same colors as us, they will never believe that it's not from me"

"You got a point.." Bubba said rubbing his chin as he examined the egg.

Bubba carefully scanned the egg some more, until there was a knock on the door. Before any of them could react, the door flung open, and in came Dogday, Catnap, Picky, Bobby, and Hoppy all at once.

  "Hey guys we where gonna go on a pic-" Dogday paused his sentence at the sight of Kickin holding an egg, that was the same colors as Kickin and Bubba.

"nic..." Dogdah finished the rest of his sentence as the others stood next to him in shock.

  "What the hell!" Dogday Shouted as he froze in place at the sight he saw.
  Kickin froze with the egg in his hand, looking at Dogday and the others, and Bubba did the same.

"I promise it's not mine!" Kickin Shouts quickly trying to convince everyone.

"I-it just appears and-" before Kickin could finish, crafty fainted on the floor and Picky fanned her.

Kickin looked nervous and took a look at Bubba, who was thinking of what to say.

   "Don't tell you.." Hoppy began to say slowly. Kickin knew what she was gonna say, but before he could respond Bubba said something shocking.

"I mean we did, but Male chickens don't lay eggs" Bubba replied. Everyone was even more shocked at the fact Bubba said they did already. Kickin was flabbergasted, and so was everyone else. Dogday helped everyone leave the room, due to most of them having nose bleeds, as they began imaging what it probably look like.

After a while, Bubba sighed and told Kickin how to care for the egg the right way. If it weren't for his smarts, then the egg would be scrambled by now.

Even tho it was quite embarrassing, Kickin carefully sat on top of the egg, in his nest like bed at home. Bubba would read books as he sat next to Kickin, who was gently sitting on top of the egg, like a mother hen would do.

(505 words)

(I know this was pretty short, but don't think this is over 😈)

☆My Only Love☆ |Enemies to Lovers (Bubba x Kickin)Where stories live. Discover now