three. detention and dragons

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professor spouts a fat liar

 DETENTION AND DRAGONSprofessor spouts a fat liar

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"-AND THAT was that." Eleanor finished shoving a peace of toast in her mouth.

It was Saturday morning and she was sat in the great hall once again explaining last nights events to her two friends. "So, your telling me that you only got six weeks of detention after throwing a shoe at someone and getting caught smoking weed?" Victoria questioned giving her friend an indignant look.

Eleanor nodded, "Yeah that sounds about right."

"Fucking hell. If that's not favouritism then I don't know what is." Victoria huffed shaking her head.

"Your just mad because you got a month's detention for selling empty bottles of fire whiskey to first years." Spencer added setting down his book.

Victoria nodded her head aggressively, "I am actually. I only scammed people, Ellie hit them and only got two weeks more detention than me."

"I had a reason for hitting them, you just enjoyed taking money from first years." Eleanor defended putting her hands up in mock surrender.

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