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Thank you people who viewed my last chapters and those who people who voted.If you like what I write please vote a lot this time ,it will encourage me a lot.

The request still stays on board .Spam your comments and vote my chapter .(If you have read the last parts ,you perhaps know i am using a made up language named the "Ancient language", Arethousa's pov will be filled with this language,to know its translation,look at the associated line in the brackets along with the dialogue)

1 month later


The past month I have spent my time creating a barrier around this place . I was never this wary of a  future attack than I am right now. Even before this, warriors came to kill me , diseases spread because of mistakes of enchantresses , animals got enraged out of nowhere but at that time ,I was the only person I had to protect and why would I want to protect someone who has lost everything in her whole life . That is why I only fought them back because i got furious over there immoral ways . This time , it is a little bit different for me . This time, I have to protect Andrea . She is a little soul . She is my string back to humanity . The birds don't lie and that is instigating fear within me .

After instructing my birds to increase their strength in the spells , I go towards Andrea's room so that she can sleep. She has grown a habit of not sleeping if I am not near . Whenever I think about her past position, it pains me .I remember the time , I first read her mind . She was born to abusive parents . She was the youngest and the unwanted child among the seven children they had . They were already going through a very rough patch when Andrea was born to them .  Andrea was a sick child from the time she was born, doubled by her malnutrition. As she was the youngest , her parents considered she was not that useful in earning money for them so they used to starve her .  Slowly , they started letting out their frustration on her by beating her and that is how she lost her ability to talk out of fear . Finally her parents let her out in my forest , in hopes , I will be the one ending their child and lifting the burden off of them . 

While I was thinking all these , I finally reached her room  and found her whistling the same tune I heard a month earlier. Is she anxious ? I remember when I read her mind the day she helped me to fall asleep , I understood the significance behind this tune . The times when she used to get very anxious in the fear that her parents will again beat her for one small mistake ,she used to whistle this to herself in order to calm down .

"Maey ", she turns her head towards me when she hears me closing the door . ( mother )

"Are you scared?" , I ask her while caressing her hair.

She looks at me with tears in her eyes . I look at her eyes in response .

It takes me some time to register what she wants to convey . My eyes widen when I understand it. I take her in my arms and hug her until it feels like the end of time. Tears pool in my eyes . She is scared of leaving me as much as I am . When I close my eyes , I see a flash of me hugging someone and it goes away as soon as it came . When me and Andrea finally separate , I hear a sound from outside . 

I didn't have to go outside to see the cause behind the sound . A chunk of a rock fell down from a pillar in Andrea's room ,which also means the whole roof is going to collapse at any moment . As soon as I understood the severity behind the situation , the  roof started collapsing above us .


" I don't want to listen anything from you ", I motioned towards her and continued," I can't risk losing you. "

" Maey", she looks at me with pleading eyes . I can sense she wants to talk ,she really does but the recent turn of events had totally pushed her over the edge .

"Please ,you have to understand me , I was this close to losing you completely, I can't do that to me again" , I said while talking her hands in my own . Andrea looked at me for one last moment  , a very long moment I must say and then started whistling that same tune .

Having no other choice , I start casting a spell on her . After few moments , she fell asleep . I remember what happened two days ago . When the roof collapsed above us , it took me some time to register everything. I was prepared to fight any evil thing but I forgot to think about nature . If nature wants ,she can kill us all and then put new souls within our corpses . My first instinct was to atleast send Andrea out of the room ,but it was too late . So , I started using the spells that allowed us to control the elements under disaster. The legion of enchantresses,from whom I belong , actually worshipped the Goddess of Forest Guanavere  and it has its own advantages and disadvantages. Our spells don't work on her . If a natural disaster occurs , our spells tend to do very little effect . When Andrea was holding my waist with her two shaking hands , I was trying my best . The more time passed , it was getting unbeatable . My birds were trying to help me but they get their strength from me , the less strength I have,the less they can help me .

I don't know how much I was able to hold on but at one point of time , I started seeing all red . My hands started getting filled with scars and I started to give in gradually . Just when I finally decided to give in , Andrea started to whistle that tune . I don't know how but it gave me a new sense of strength and with a howling scream , I finally managed to overthrow the roof at a different place other than in Andrea's room . I collapsed after that .

When the flashback ended and decided that I must do what should be done . This is bitter but this is truth .

Author's note:
I know I am very late . But ,what can I do ? Nothing seems to come in my mind when I want to write something .

So ,Andrea was under danger !!!!!

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