English class (1)

37 8 15

He's sitting her in awe. He loves this class but oh my God this boy was taking all his focus, emotion, and concentration.

The boy in question was no other than Sirius Black, Padfoot, Pads, one of his best friends. This boy was 5 feet and 9 inches of beautiful, heartless, flirty, and total perfection. Curly black hair, gray blue eyes, lips with a scar on them. His dream.

But he has to snap out of it, he has no chance. No. Fucking. Chance. Remus will admit he's a hopeless romantic, a book snob, believes in love that only happens in books. 

Professor McGonagall was going on about the assigned reading that they were supposed to do over break, but he wasn't paying attention, he already did the reading weeks ago. All his attention was on this wonderful daydream about him and his best friend. He didn't care if it sounded wrong, every feeling in his body was telling him it was right.

He didn't care if Sirius didn't like him back and was as straight as you can be, he loved him. And yes, it hurt so fucking much that he didn't love Remus back, but he didn't really care. He got to have these fantasies, feelings, and the pure urge to grab Sirius and do everything he ever could've imagined with him. And no one, not even Sirius could take that away from him .

The bell is ringing, he didn't notice until James grabbed his shoulder.

"Mate, class is over." Prongs said passing him.

"Shit, when did it end." He asked worried.

"Ten minutes ago you little shit." Sirius replied crossing over to him from where he originally was.

And just like that Remus was gone, see you later. He's fallen hard and he doesn't know if he'll ever stop falling.

"O-oh." Oh shit he stuttered.

"Stop stuttering you fool. We're gonna be late." Sirius says grinning.

Oh fuck, he's gonna need to take a break. He can't.

"I'll be there soon, I umm I gotta pack up." Remus stated unsure of himself.

"You sure, mate?" Peter asked.


"Yes." he replied with a smile.

"Okay, see you." James said.

James and Peter walked off. Sirius stayed.

Remus didn't notice Sirius until he was in front of his desk.

"Oh bloody hell! You scared me." He said shocked.

"Oh did I, love?" Sirius replied with a smirk.

Love, oh god.

"Y-yes," Oh God he stuttered.

"Thought I told you to stop stuttering." His obsession said with a demanding smirk.

"You did." Finally he could say a word without sounding insane.

"Right, so why are we stuttering?"


"Oh, am I that scary, love?" Oh my god. Sirius has to stop calling him that.

"No, you're not scary, I'm just-" he was going to finish his sentence, but he was so rudely but incredibly interrupted by Sirius whispering in his ear.

"Love, you're incredible, nothing else" is what he whispered.

Goosebumps started to spread over Remus' skin.

Remus wouldn't trade this moment for anything.

Word count: 474.

I loved this, I hope you did too.

Xoxo, forest 

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