Part Twenty: Second language Test! Kaminari's New Job

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◇ On the day of the Korean language test for Kanae, she woke up as usual at five in the morning and prepared to go to Sumi's house to meet with her friends so that they could go to the academy together, and Kanae was 100% reassured; Because Yoko-sensei was the one who set the test that day, and when Kanae arrived at Sumi's house at seven o'clock, she found everyone gathered in front of it.

Kanae: Good morning! I am sorry for being late

Akane: You didn't, we just gathered too

Hana: Let's go!

◇Everyone started walking, heading to the academy

Remo: It's a relief that Yoko-sensei was the one who came up with the questions

Kanae: You're completely right. At least the test will be solvable

Osage: At least there won't be bad news today

Sumi: Bad news?!

Youka: Yes, but Osage doesn't just mean the difficult test questions. He also means the accidents that happen because of the exans afterwards

Sumi: What incidents?

Ken: He also means the cases of crying, collapse, and sadness that are caused by tests of this type, in addition to the cases of fainting and suicide that also occur because of them.

Kanae: Cases of fainting and suicide?! Are you serious?!

Akane: He's right... Five years ago, Orochimaru-sensei took over the Ministry of Education, and tests of this kind began to appear, and corruption in education appeared that was unprecedented in the empire.

Kanae: Where are Shinichi-sama and Tsunade-sama in all of this?! How did Akira-sama not know what Orochimaru-sensei was doing?! From what I heard about them, it is impossible for them to remain silent about this

Youka: You're right. Shinichi-sama and Tsunade-sama are known for their justice and mercy. Akira-sama also enjoys the love and respect of everyone in the empire, and even outside it and in the entire world. He also enjoys a high status with Shinichi-sama and Tsunade-sama. I dealt with him personally and know him to some extent. Oil can mix with water, cats can befriend dogs, and the sun can shine at night, but Akira-sama can not allow anyone to be wronged or harmed, even if it means his death.

Akane: I agree with you. The three of them will never stay silent about this

Remo: This will change one day, I believe in this

Hana: Yes, it is impossible for this injustice to continue

Kanae, Youka, Osage, Ken: I promise he won't continue *in a tone full of enthusiasm and anger*

Mary: Guys, cheer up a little. Today's test will be easy because Yoko-sensei is the one who set the questions, and she's the one who will test us orally and the one who will give the grades, so we don't have to worry about that horned snake now.

Kaminari: *Suddenly appeared behind Mary* You're right, Mary, focus on today's test and leave everything to its time *His tone changed from calm to enthusiasm mixed with anger and the desire for revenge* No one can get away with something like this, good always wins

Akane: Especially when the rulers are as good and fair as Shinchi-sama and Tsunade-sama.

Ken: And the presence of someone like Akira-sama as well. In fact, I am certain that if he knew what was happening, he would not care about Orochimaru-sensei being his teacher or his status with the Emperor.

Osage: How I love that man! It is rare for there to be someone like him at that time. Despite his being one of the richest people in the empire and the world, his high status and his power being enough to destroy the world, he is the kindest person I have ever met in my whole life. No one could expect that he has a fortune capable of literally flooding the empire with gold and diamonds, and he is so innocent and humble that it makes you doubt that this person is really the Kage of the most powerful village in the world.

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