☆Life hits hard as a rock☆

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The two made their way to class,their teacher both named Jyp Said to get familiar with their desk mates.

They turned their heads and looked in horror to see each other. Felix cursed under his breath and asked God to take him away from this lunatic.

"L-Lixie",Hyunjin said nervously.

"Umm hey so I guess you go to the same school as I do and we're desk mates huh",Felix chuckles knowing damn well he wanted to get out of there.

"Lixie...about the homework thing..I'm sorry you don't have to do it if you don't want to",Hyunjin said with a sadden face.

"Oh really...well I could but will you~pay me",Felix asked waiting for an answer.

"Yh I will",Hyunjin said happily.

"Ok I guess we'll walk home together then",Felix chuckled.

"Y-Yeah",Hyunjin blushed scratching the back of his head.

Hyunjin ears were red and he tired to hide it from Felix. Felix noticed and asked if he had a fever,putting his hand to Hyunjins forehead.

That made him blushed even more,Hyunjins faced turned into a tomato.

"Oh dear are you ok,do you need to go to the nurse",Felix asked.

"NO",Hyunjin shouted.

The whole class looked in their direction,whispers of jealousy filled the room.A girl next to them said,"Aish I would kill to sit next to him"

Another said,"for real girl Hyunjin is so hot."

Hyunjin was uncomfortable and he whispered into Felix ears,"Yes".So they went to the nurses office. Hyunjin lied and said he had a headache and layed down on the bed.

"You sure you alright",Felix asked concerned.

"Yh I'm fine",Hyunjin said weakly.

They didn't have class since it was the first day so they decided to Stay there until break time.

Felix sat on a chair beside Hyunjins on the bed.After a few minutes Felix doseed off with his head on the bed.

Hyunjin saw this and chuckled at state."How could someone be this cute",Hyunjin thought to himself.

He began to caress Felix hair and pating his head as he slept. Eventually Hyunjin also fell asleep.

Hyunjin began to ran away from the man chasing him he ran into the forest as fast as he could.

Panting and crying he found a heading spot and covered his mouth the keep quiet.

The man had left he sighed relief suddenly he heard something behind him he turned around and.

Hyunjin eyes shot open,breathing heavily and in a cold sweat,his eyes were blurry.He saw a small figure hovering over him.

The persons voice was distanced and his eyes became clearer and he could hear the person.

"Hyunjin wake up Hyunjin are you ok why were screaming",the person asked.

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