pt. 1

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Aera pov-

Akira: Nante miwaku-tekina utsukushi-sadeshou (What a enchanting beauty)
Said while looking at me like he hadn't seen pretty women before.

Aera:Nanto minikui kotodeshou(what a disgusting ugly)
I said, stunning him.

Akira: Your Japanese is good.
Said with a smile that I didn't like at all.

aera: Well, you see, I don't have that pipe, but I'm looking for the pipe too.
Said while looking straight in her eyes.

Akira: Shall we look for it together?
" A smirk appeared on his face,which annoyed the hell out of me,"

Aera: ops. I have quite the opposite idea. I will not let you find the pipe.
* My iconic devil smile appeared on my face*

Akira: quite feisty. I like it. But I don't think I would like the idea of hurting a beautiful face like yours.
*he was giving me intense glare*

Aera: I thought you were witty. You are picking up a fight with something like me. You won't be able to handle me.
*i said, glaring him back*

Akira: we will see about that
*he came to attack me without a proper plan, and I knocked him out by a karate chop on his neck.

Aera: aish. These Japanese demons are creepy.

Now, you might be wondering how I ended up in a situation like this? Well.

I got a day off from work, so I thought, why don't I go and visit Granny? So without wasting time, I went to the afterlife immigration but the world place was full of chaos. I heard Taluipa shouting.
Taluipa: Aera, what are you doing here?
Me: I came to visit you.
Taluipa: Someone stole the guardian stone?
Me: WHAT? Is that even possible?
Taluipa: It seems like it is?
Me: Now what are you going to do?
Taluipa: Get the stone back, of course
Me: Did you see the face of the criminal?
Taluipa: No
Me: When how

"I just need to find the guardian stone, right? Where did the thief run off to ?" Yeon said, cutting me off.

"Of all places...." Granny pointed towards one of the many cabinets behind Yeon.

"This leads straight to hell, right? The fiery cauldron hell? Ice hell?"

"That doesn't lead to hell -" Granny was cut off by the spirits breaking in from the main door.

"It's been a while, Taluipa! Gosh, you've been occupying the stream of dead for too long." One of the spirits yelled.

Omg what are they doing here? How did they end up here? "I said,"

"Here," Granny gave Yeon a box. "I was going to give you this when your term ended."

"A watch?" Yeon asked, opening the said box.

"You will eventually go blind and deaf. Dont forget you're on borrowed time." Granny said while throwing a spirit across the room, which tried to attack her.
Wow, that's a cool watch. "I said while pushing the spirits but instead got pushed by them."

"Go. Find the stone and return before the hour of the tiger." Granny said to yeon

"So just before sunrise 5.00 am. And how do I come back?" Yeon asked.

"Through the same cabinet." She said.

Granny, I'm going with yeon. " I said and jumped right after yeon without hearing what Granny has to say. "

No, Aera. That place only brings harm to you. Omg what should I do with this child. "Granny said while getting frustrated.

A few seconds later, Shin ju came storming in and rushed in the cabinet. Granny was handling the spirits this time.

Aera pov-
I fall into darkness. Everything turned dark. I felt like vomiting. After some seconds, I tried to open my eyes. The lights were hurting my eyes. I saw yeon running toward a guy. Red-white musked guy. I followed them. But a girl looks like ki-yoori. And she bombed the place. People came with korea's flag and started to celebrate, but Japanese armies shot them. Making me and yeon super angry. After beating the hell out of those people, me and yeon stormed off. I asked yeon if he knew which century was this. He said it's 1938. I gasped. Why were we in 1938? Out of so many places to be?
Yeon, who's that red-white masked guy? "I asked yeon,

He stole the stone. "Yeon replied."

What are you doing here? I don't remember Granny ordering you to come with me. "Yeon said.

Well. As you said before, you will be doing anything to bring rang back. I will do the same as his best friend. "I said

Still friend zoning him, huh? " yeon asked while smirking

Well, we can't be lovers, you see. Rang always causes trouble, and I'm the trouble myself. "I said, joking .

Suddenly, my eyes turned blank. I can't see anything. The last thing I remember is yeon asking me if I'm OK. But I couldn't reply cause I already faint.

After a while, I woke up hearing:

Boss, are you sure this is okay?" Boo doo mok asked, looking at Rang, who was sitting opposite Yeon.

"He's family." Rang replied with a displeased look.

"Wow. No wonder you are so strong, sir." He said, sniffing near Yeon, and the latter just shooed him.

"What are they? If not humans, what?" Yeon asked.

"A pack of wolves." Rang replied, smirking.

"We used to have a different boss, but Lord Lee Rang slit his throat in one go, SO...."

"You turned coats ?"

"Yes. But I prefer Boss Rang."

"Is Rang good to you?" Yeon asked, smiling.

"No. Even so, a whole bunch of guys are lined up to join our gang."


"Boss divides the stolen goods equally among us every time. That's not easy, you know." Boo doo mok said.

Eventually Boo doo mok left.

What is Aera doing with you? Wasn't she in prison? Didn't she face enough trouble because of you? You killed her only family. Old hag put her on a prison for being on your side. " Rang said, getting angry.

You should ask her when she woke up. "Yeon said with a loud sight.

Yeon was talking with Rang while I was relaxing a little bit more. I'm more of a cat than a fox. I'm so lazy.
Suddenly, I heard yeon curse and faint. I woke up in an instant.

Yeon, what happened woke up. Hyung, what happened to you? "I asked while getting worried

What did you do to yeon? "I hisses while looking at rang.

Is that how you greet your old friend? "Rang asked, smirking.

Answer me. "I asked,can't hold my anger any longer

Aera, I missed you. "Rang said while coming closer.

Huh? "I asked, getting confused by his sudden mood change.

Suddenly, there was smoke coming from behind. And I faint again. That

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