Chapter 5

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Charlie sat on the couch, as Angel and Husk were in the living room yapping about whatever. Charlie swung her legs, as she seemed to be a bit bored. Today was suppose to be a game day, so everyone could hang out and relax. Usually they hosted parties, but everyone was far to tired to get ready for a party. "Goodmoring my dear Charlie, are you feeling better now?" Alastor said as he walked up to Charlie sitting next to her gently, his demeanor more exquisite and precise. "Goodmorning Al, I'm doing a lot better now. I'm just waiting for Vaggie, and my father." Charlie replied as she looked down on the floor. "Speaking of Lucifer and your girlfriend, here they are now." Alastor spoke, as Charlie looked up Lucifer walking into the living room and Vaggie follwing behind. "Vaggie! Goodmorning how did you sleep?" Charlie spoke out happily as she rushed over to Vaggie hugging her as Alastor watched Vaggie return the hug. "I actually slept ok, what about you?" Vaggie asked as they both continued to talk to each other going to sit down on the other couch, leaving the only spot open next to Alastor. "Where am I suppose to sit?" Lucifer asked tiredly as everyone was already sitting together and talking. "Oh dad! There is a sweat right over there, next to Al!" Charlie said as she pointed to the open spot next to Alastor. "Oh..Thank you Char-Char..." Lucifer said, as he then turned to glare at Alastor. "Don't even try any funny business you stupid deer." Lucifer scolded and Alastor chuckled. "Does the king need a boost to get up on the couch, I wouldn't want to hurt your stubby legs now would I?" Alastor chuckled as he made another joke about how short Lucifer was. "I swear- How many jokes are you going to make about my height!" Lucifer said as he than looked at Alastor annoyed. "As many as I can, that is until you grow taller your majesty." Alastor said as he titled his head. Lucifer looked at eveyrone in the room before he jumped up sitting next to Alastor, a smile creepy on his face his eye twitching a bit. "Very funny...I will say..That was the ONLY-" Lucifer said as he pointed to Alastor than talking again, "Funny joke you've made!" Lucifer said, as Alastor grinned widely a smile on Lucifer's face. "Are we gonna start the game orrrr...are we just gonna sit here and listen to them flirt?" Angel said as he was slouched on the couch, Husk sitting next to him as he chucked slightly. "We are not flirting, I have a wife thank you!" Lucifer said, as he ran his fingers through his hair, speaking in mor arrogant tone. "Are you sure, or did she leave you too?" Alastor chuckled as he couldn't help but to not miss an opportunity for a joke. "Oh you! She did not divorce me she just left...and she hasn't been back for seven years so what?" Lucifer said looking dumbfounded at Alastor than at Angel Dust. "Then I think she might've forgotten about ya sweetheart. Nothing against you I do all respect, but seven years?? That's crazy..." Angel spoke out, as Lucifer than looked at Alastor. "I mean..he is right." Alastor said, as he than watched Lucifer's gaze turn to Vaggie and Charlie across the room. Walking up from their spot to go outside. "Charlie? Where are you going?" Lucifer asked his voice sounding curious. "Oh Vaggie and I we just going to go for a walk, we'll be back soon!" Charlie replied shutting the large metal door. "Well I guess we're not playing any games are we?" Angel Dust said, as he slouched down on the couch more. "Ok, so wait-" Lucifer said as he started chuckling Alastor looking down at him with an amused grin, suprised to see himself actually getting along with the the arrogant Lucifer. "So you think me and Alastor here are flirting, even though it's so obvious you like this furry!?" Lucifer pointed out as he stood up going to the bar. "What about it! At least I'll admit it unlike you!" Angel Dusk hollered back, as Lucifer made himself a drink. "Besides, Alastor how do you feel about the king of hell so obviously having a crush on you?" Angel Dust said as he was now sitting up taller now. Lucifer's head shot back looking at Angel Dust smirk, as Alastor sat there awkwardly. "Well, I..Despite him thinking that his wife still loves him...I high doubt he would like me anyway, even if he did I would not care!" Alastor said as he turned his head to look at Lucifer smiling sinisterly. Lucifer mumbling as he had alcohol in his mouth, and gulped it then blurting out. "I DO NOT!- I- MY WIFE DOES LOVE ME!" Lucifer said, as he saw Alastors smile grow wider. "I'll wipe that smile right off you ugly face!" Lucifer said as he walked over to Alastor pointing in his face. "Back up, did you forget I am a cannibal after all!" Alastor said his voice dropping into radio static his raido antlers growing, as Lucifer rolled his eyes. "Yeah yeah whatever. Do not care." Lucifer said as he shrugged his shoulders, Alastor bitting the inside of his cheek.    

Lucifer then chuckled as he sat down his cup on the counter next to him. Looking at Alastor. "Since the game day seemed to be a fail, I have our own game." Lucifer said as he walked over to the bar still talking as he grabbed cups, Husky rushing over to help. "Let's have a drinking contest, Shall we? Or are you to sacred?" Lucifer challenged smiling at Alastor devilishly. "Challenged accepted your majesty." Alastor accepted smiling back at Lucifer, as he walked over sitting next to Lucifer, as they both listened to Husk tell them the rules. "First person to quit looses, and the other person wins. If one of you get sick or have to quit, whoever drank the most will win. In that case, just drink as much as you can." Husk said, as he grabbed the alcohol. "Your going to be so sick, your gonna be fleeing with your tail between you legs Bambi." Lucifer teased as Alastors eyes twitched at his new nickname. "Bambi? Out of all the nicknames-" Alastor said annoyed pinching the bridge of his nose. "If you're calling me that, it's clear you already are drunk." Alastor chuckled smiling widely. "This is the strongest alcohol I could find, since you guys seem to really want a challenge. Just don't puke on me." Husk said, pouring the first round of shots. Lucifer smiled grabbing his shot, as he lifted it up, Alastor doing the same. "Cheers your majesty!" Alastor said as he gulped down his shot, Lucifer swallowing with a a sour look on his face, as Angel watched amused, and entertained. "Giving up already?" Alastor teased, nudging Lucifer as he was handed the next shots. "You..You wish" Lucifer said as he frantically drank the next rounds, groaning as he tasted the sour and tangy alcohol. "Eugh...what is this..this tastes strong.." Lucifer coughed as Alastor was still unbothered. "Strongest alcohol I have, your majesty." Husk added, as Lucifer looked at Alastor a wide cocky smile on his face. "I bet ya whiskers, Alastors gonna win this" Angel whispered to Husk, as Husk shook his head. 

A few rounds later, Lucifer stood up tipsy. As Lucifer drank one more round before he groaned, calling it quits. "I-eugh..I quit..I...I cant drink anymore...." Lucifer stuttered, as he knelt down holding his stomach as if he was in pain. Alastor feeling a little tipsy himself. "Ah-I knew I'd win...even the own king of hell can't win his own challenge.." Alastor teased as he chuckled, kneeling down to support the king on his feet. Alastor grabbed Lucifer's waist, gently propping him up on his feet, to support him from falling. "Come now...your going to get sick if you don't drink some water" Alastor said, as Lucifer was to drunk to even be bothered by Alastors hand placement, taking a sip of water. Charlie and Vaggie walking into the lobby, as they then walked into the bar seeing Lucifer. "Oh my god- he ok?" Charlie said as she rushed over to him. "He should be ok, he just had to much to drink.." Alastor said, as Lucifer had passed out in Alastors arms. Alastor grabbing him properly taking him to his room. Alastor looked down at Lucifer, as he examined him. He didn't feel anything for Lucifer, maybe a little bit of hatred and rivalry, and some potential for friendship, but he didn't feel anything for him. He never did. He had reached his room, as he gently laid Lucifer's body on his bed. It was cold in his room, unusually cold, but Alastor rubbed it off, as he was the one who usually cold. He sighed looking around Lucifer's red duck filled room, before he glanced once more at Lucifer, and then walking out of his room shutting the door quietly. 

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