• Part 3

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"Thanks but I don't want." Mahirah said to jk . She took out her Handkerchief & jk role his eyes. "Take care yourself Mahirah & take care of your mom too ." Halima said . Mahirah shook her head . Halima hug her . "Let's go Taimoor and Juber."
"Okay Ammi ." Tae said jk start walking.

'After 4 days'

"I can't see the result I'm very nervous." Naja said to her friends.
Mahirah and khadeeja chuckled.
"Okay okay I'm going to see." Khadeeja said. Naja shook her head.

"This time Taimoor will get the first position." Tae's friend said.
"Of course my brother is very talented." Jk said. Tae chuckled.

Khadeeja looked at Tae then said. "This time I know my bestie Mahirah will get the first position like always."
Smile at Mahirah. " I don't know."
Mahirah pout and said. Jk looking at her then said "Nowadays people seeing day dreams too much." Their all friends laughing. Khadeeja stand up and going to them but Naja hold her .
" It's okay let's them talk they will get shocked after results" Naja said and chuckled.
"Let's go from here." Mahirah said.
The tiro went from there.
"Hey jk ." A girl said from door side.
"Jk ??" Their friend said
"Yeah his name is Juber khan that's why I call him in short jk ." The girl said. "It's will be very nice if you use this trick in exams." Tae said and all laugh.

Infront of result board....

" Oh nooo .How is this possible she gets first place again." Tae's friend said. "Yeah coz she is good in study." Tae said with smile. Jk looking at result board . "I knew it she will get this position again." Jk said with little voice. No one noticed ."Juber let's go for eat something I'm hungry." Tae said and jk shook his head. They went to college canteen.

At college canteen ...

"I'm so happy for you

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"I'm so happy for you." Khadeeja said with smiling face . Mahirah and Naja smile too. "Thank you." Mahirah said.

"Hey darling come here." A girl called jk . When jk and Taimoor come to college canteen with their friends. Tae role his eyes and said, "I'm going to eat bye" Tae went food counter. Jk went to that girl "hey baby doll." Jk said,
"Mm I miss you darling." That girl said. Mahirah and Naja sitting opposite. That girl and jk's sit . Naja role her eyes.
"Astaghfirullah. How can be people like them exist." Naja said.
"They exist that's why we get to known about good people." Mahirah replied.
Naja laughed. Jk looking at them angry eyes. Mahirah role her eyes.

Food counter side...

"One cup Tea please

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"One cup Tea please." Two person said together at same time. They look at each other. It's Tae and khadeeja.
Tae smile at her . She looks away.
Canteen boy said, " actually tea is end they making it so here is one cup Tea we have . Just one of you can take it another one have to wait."
"You take it ." Tae said with a smiling face . "No thanks you take it." Khadeeja said. "Ladies first." Tae said.
Khadeeja take the cup of tea and went to her sit . Tae smile.

" Why you take too much time for a tea" Naja said. Khadeeja told them what happen in food counter side.
"Hmm he is a good boy." Naja said
"Who knows well I think he is like his brother." Khadeeja said looking at jk . Who flirting with the girl.
"Girls leave it . Let's go we have another class for attendance." Mahirah said. They there stand up went to class.


Here is part 3 hope you like it .
If you like this part then do vote & comment let me know that how you feel after reading this story.

Allah Hafiz...

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