• Part 8

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"May I come in sir." Jungkook said.
"Yeah come." Murad said. jungkook looking at Mahirah. "You here what are you doing here." Jungkook ask.
"None of your business." Mahirah said then left from there.

After sometime
At college canteen...

After sometime At college canteen

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"What really!" Naja said.

"Yeah that's why I went to him for talk what he is doing here." Mahirah said.

"Leave it it's his profession." Khadeeja said.

"By the way are not you have." Naja said teasing voice.

"Shut up." Khadeeja said.

"Someone is blushing." Naja said.

"Stop teasing my bestie naja." Mahirah said.

"I'm going to library." Khadeeja said.

"I'm also going let's go together." Dua said.

"Okay." Khadeeja replied.

"See you then guys." Naja said.

Dua smile at her then Khadeeja left with dua. Mahirah and Naja talking and eating snacks.

At library....

Khadeeja finding book to read

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Khadeeja finding book to read. She took one book.
"Hello." Murad said.

"Umm you here." Khadeeja said

"Why can't I come." Murad said.

"No I don't mean that." Khadeeja said.
Murad smile.

"How are you?" Murad said.

"Alhamdulillah. What about you" khadeeja said.

" Alhamdulillah I'm fine but after seeing you I feel good." Murad said.
Khadeeja smile little.

"By the way why you take job here when you come from abroad you didn't said anything to me." Khadeeja said.

"I take job here coz of I want to see you more and more time I want to stay with you long time and I come from abroad 2 day ago but I didn't said this to you and mahirah coz I want to suprise you both." Murad said with smiling face.

"It's really a surprise for me." Khadeeja said. Both smile. But they didn't notice someone looking at them with angry, jealousy eyes. He stand up then start walking.

"Hey can't you see." A girl said who just bumped with someone. That boy ignore her then left.

At khan mansion ...

Everyone sitting in drawing room

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Everyone sitting in drawing room..
Talking with each other it's there family time..

"I love this thing every Friday after praying jumma you all give time to each other and meet with all family members

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"I love this thing every Friday after praying jumma you all give time to each other and meet with all family members." Fazila said
"Appi you know after coming this house I feel very happy coz this is the only day I can meet my all family members." Fatima said.

"Appi you can come here anytime why you just come only Friday we miss you." Halima said.

"Yeah halima Appi is right." Sayma said.

"Not like that I want to come but I have to handle my house." Fatima said.

"Now you have to arrange your son marriage then you can go anywhere anytime." Fazila said.

"Yeah she is right." Halima said.

"They you all my son aunty's find a girl for him." Fatima said.

"Accha then sure why not." Sayma said with smile.

"Assalamu alaikum Jahangeer and saad brother." Fazila said to Jin who just come after namaz with suga and Tae.

"Walaikum Assalam sister." Jin and suga replied.

"Aunty how are you. I miss you." Tae said to Fatima.

"Aww I miss you too son." Fatima said and hug Tae. Tae smile and hug back.

"Where is Juber." Fazila asked. Halima looking at Jin .

"He went outside he will come anytime. Let's sit together guys." Suga said. Everyone sit together then talking with each other.

Another side of chaudhary house...

"He come when?" Khadeeja's mom said

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"He come when?" Khadeeja's mom said.
"He come 2 days ago but he want to suprise us that's why he didn't said anything." Khadeeja said.

"Accha but it's nice he come and get job here." Her dad said. Kaneez looking at her sister.

"Okay going to take rest mom." Khadeeja said.

"Okay." Her mom replied.

Khadeeja went to her room then locked door and pray for jummah...


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