Covert Expedition - Chapter 63

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"We'll be off now. We'll return soon after," Zach said, extending his hand to shake Haerak's, the soft morning light casting gentle rays on their faces as they exchanged farewells.

"Take care, Shadow Symphony. Safe travels on your journey," Haerak replied, his gaze lingering on the departing group as they made their way onto the wooden ship.

As the villagers waved goodbye, their voices carried over the tranquil morning air, offering words of well-wishes and temporary farewells to the departing travelers.

"Fair winds and following seas!"

"Bring back tales of your adventures!"

"May your path be clear and your hearts be light!"

"Remember to write us when you reach your destination!"

"Stay safe out there, we'll be waiting for your return!"

"Take a piece of our village with you wherever you go!"

"Come back with stories to warm our hearts on cold nights!"

"Until we meet again, may luck be on your side!"

"Bon voyage, dear friends!"

As the Shadowed Symphony members waved back at the villagers, their expressions carried a mix of determination and gratitude.

"Thank you for your well wishes!" Qarek called out, his voice carrying over the sound of the waves.

"We'll be back before you know it, with good news in tow!" Jiighual shouted, his optimism shining through despite the uncertain journey ahead.

"Take care, everyone! We'll keep your spirits close to our hearts!" Andhur voice echoed, his gaze lingering on the faces of those bidding them farewell.

"We'll make sure to return with tales to share and smiles on our faces!" Leeani chimed in, her playful tone lifting the spirits of both her comrades and the villagers.

"Until we meet again, Ember Wind! May the stars guide our way!" Ruby'ck voice resonated, his words carrying a sense of camaraderie and determination.

With their promises made and farewells exchanged, the Shadowed Symphony boarded their ship, ready to embark on their next adventure.

The villagers released the ropes tethering the ship to the dock, allowing it to begin its journey eastward towards the Luminary Tower.

"Take care, guys," Nert murmured softly, his gaze fixed on the departing vessel as it slipped away from the village.

Meanwhile, the group of hunters, fishermen, and companions, including Yzavynne and Kazaks, prepared to set sail for the mainland of Aeolantis.

"LET'S GOOOOOO!!" Kazaks bellowed enthusiastically, his voice echoing across the harbor.

Rolling her eyes at Kazaks' exuberance, Yzavynne chided him playfully, trying to mask her embarrassment at his loudness.

Nert, observing the exchange between Kazaks and Yzavynne, approached them from a short distance.

"Guys, take care," Nert said softly, his gaze drifting to his paralyzed left arm, a tangible reminder of the challenges they faced.

Yzavynne, sensing Nert's emotional state, decided to lighten the mood with a teasing remark, hoping to bring a smile to his face and ease the tension.

"Aw, don't worry, Nert. We'll be back before you know it, and you'll be tired of hearing mighty Kazaks' booming voice again!" Yzavynne teased, flashing a mischievous grin in Nert's direction.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY ABOUT ME?!" Kazaks shouted again, drawing the attention of the nearby villagers with his loud voice.

Nert smiled softly as he watched Kazaks and Yzavynne playfully bicker, their banter a familiar sight that brought him comfort.

"Oii, Kazaks and Yzavynne. Let's get going now," Lyra's voice called out, already aboard one of the wooden boats.

"COMING!" Kazaks hollered back, his enthusiasm matching his volume.

"See you, Nert!" Kazaks waved as he and Yzavynne hurried towards the waiting boat.

As the villagers bid their farewells, Nert stood on the shore, a mixture of emotions swirling within him. Suddenly, he felt his strength wane, and he sank to one knee.

As they walked slowly towards the Shaman's Hut, Seraphina maintained her steady pace, supporting Nert's weakened frame with a gentle hand on his arm.

"You know, Nert, sometimes I wonder if the herbs I prepare are just temporary solutions," Seraphina mused softly, her voice carrying a hint of concern.

Nert nodded, his gaze fixed ahead as they navigated the familiar path. "Perhaps, but even temporary relief can make a world of difference," he replied, his words tinged with gratitude for Seraphina's care.

"Are you feeling any better now, Nert?" Seraphina asked, her voice filled with genuine concern as they walked side by side.

"A bit, thank you," Nert replied, feeling a sense of relief in Seraphina's presence.

"I'm glad to hear that. You took quite a hit back there," Seraphina remarked softly, her gaze shifting to the horizon.

"It's nothing I haven't dealt with before," Nert replied, trying to downplay the severity of his injuries.

"Don't underestimate the importance of rest and healing," Seraphina advised, her tone gentle yet firm. "We'll get you patched up soon."

Nert nodded gratefully, feeling a newfound sense of reassurance in Seraphina's care. As they continued their walk, the rhythmic sound of their footsteps echoed the quiet understanding between them, a bond forming in the face of adversity.

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