Valentina grew up in Greece with her older brother Atlas and their parents, they lived there up until they were 12, when their parents decided they wanted to explore more of the world. By 13 they'd been all over the place, until finally they find a...
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It was 10 past 9 and the backyard was beginning to fill up with the hockey team. Id been sitting by the fire with my best friend, Delphine, while we drank beers and talked quietly amongst ourselves. Every few moments when Id hear a car pull up onto the gravel or see the bright headlights, I'd glance over and hold my breath for a moment. It was utterly pathetic. And Delphine teased me for it every time. As I take another sip from my now lukewarm beer, I glance up to Parker as he says my name, rolling my eyes lightly as he begins to hit on me like every time I see him. " damn, you look pretty cold val. Why don't you come a little closer and I'll warm you right up." He says cockily as he smirks, I run my tongue over my cheek as I take another sip of my beer, before I could even start my sentence, atlas had interfered. " Parker I swear if you don't leave her alone I'll castrate you myself. It's embarrassing dude." He yells from across the bonfire, Parker scoffs and walks away and I shake my head lightly. I should be used to the flirtation and crude jokes the guys made, they'd been doing it for years. But god was it annoying. I'm pulled from my thoughts as I hear the all too familiar car engine, slowly glancing toward the gate to the backyard and watching as Roman fucking Wade walks in with Juniper following. God I hated how good he always looked. You know if just one time he could look bad- or something, I feel like I wouldn't be as hopeless in this. I roll my eyes lightly as Delphine whispers in my ear " you're drooling" she laughs softly as I groan and elbow her lightly. Tearing my eyes away and looking to juniper, smiling as she walks over to us " hey juni" I greet her, looking to Roman again as he greets a few of the guys before looking away again, taking another sip of my beer before realizing I was out. I stand up and toss the empty bottle in the trash, glancing to juniper " want me to grab you one?" I ask her and she nods, smiling lightly " thanks Val" I nod and turn, walking over toward the cooler. I bend down and open up the cooler, reaching in to grab the last three beers, damn we ran out fast. Just as I'm about to grab them I see another hand reach in and take them before I could. I quickly recognize it as hands id spent way too long staring at. Roman. Fucking ass. I scoff lightly and stand up, crossing my arms under my chest and looking up to him. Watching as he smirks and looks down to me, the beers in his hands. " oops, didn't even see you there Antheia" he chuckles and I clench my jaw lightly. I hated when he called me that. Don't get me wrong, I loved my names, and all the meanings behind them. But having 4 names wasn't very common. My mother couldn't decide on just a first and middle, so she just decided to add in more. Roman had always teased me about it and insisted on calling me by anything other than what i more commonly went by, which was Valentina. It was the easiest of them all especially when in school. Most teachers couldn't even pronounce the others. While I loved the way my names sounded on his lips, I hated the smug look on his face every time he uttered them. He knew exactly how it made me feel. Well, mostly. " oh really? I think it's time for a haircut Wade, It's no wonder you haven't scored a goal in 2 games." I shoot back, I knew it was a slightly low blow to go for that. But why not. He'd been off the past two weeks and I couldn't help but notice. Truthfully I loved his hair this length, I didn't really like long hair on guys, but holy shit he made it work. I know it's ironic, me being Greek and all. But fuck he looked like a Greek god. He clenches his jaw lightly " and here I was thinking about giving them to you, good luck scoring more little nyx" he mutters before turning around and walking away with the beers. I scoff and turn around, walking back over to the girls and watching as they raise their eyebrows at me. " inside? Im sure we've got something in there" I say without much else, walking past them toward the back door into the house.
As we walk into the kitchen I open the fridge and start to look for any beers, glancing back to Delphine as she leans against the counter " so what was that all about hm?" She teases lightly and I roll my eyes, glancing back to the fridge as Juniper raises her eyebrows, she didn't know about my.. feelings for her brother. I didn't want to make things weird between us. And it wasn't exactly something I went around talking about. The only one who knew was Delphine. " what am I missing?" Juniper asks, sensing the slight tension. Delphine chuckles lightly " ohhh nothing juni" she says as I grab three beers from the fridge and stand up, closing the door as I look to them " del I swear to god it's like you want everyone to find out" I mutter as I hand them their beers. Juniper glances between us for a moment and I start to talk but before I could even start she gasps lightly " oh my god you like Roman" she exclaims and I groan lightly " shut up juni- I swear you two are going to be the reason I die" I open my beer and take a sip before speaking " it's not a big deal, it's just a stupid crush- I'll get over it at some point" I mutter as Juniper laughs softly " oh come on val. As - gross as that is to me. You're out of his league. But I won't spill, promise" she smiles as she opens her beer and I sigh lightly, taking another sip of my beer and glancing to the door as I hear it close and then a faint whisper of a voice, a guys voice, feeling my heart drop I glance to them and Delphine quickly puts her beer down and walks over toward the hallway, then comes back a moment later " it was empty. I'm sure it's fine val." She smiles and grabs her beer. After taking a moment we all head back out and I try not to freak out, I'm sure no one heard. Right?
Romans POV
As I walk into the backyard with juniper following I look around at who was here, my eyes landing on Valentina. I can't help but watch her for a moment, slowly tearing my eyes away and walking over toward Atlas and the others " hey man" I greet him before glancing toward the cooler " I'm gonna grab a beer, want one?" He nods and I smile a bit, walking over toward the cooler and watching as Valentina makes her way over. My eyes moving up and down her body slowly. Fuck, how did she always look so good? She was wearing a tiny little white tank top and even smaller shorts. I couldn't help but stare, I knew it was wrong. She was off limits, but damn I couldn't help myself. She was gorgeous. Everyone knew it too. I slowly walk over and watch as she bends down and opens the cooler, smirking lightly as I step next to her and reach in, grabbing the last three beers before she could and standing up. Looking down to her as she stands up and looks up to me , crossing her arms under her chest. Fuck why did she have to do that. Even without trying, because of our height difference when I looked down at her I could see right down her shirt. "oops, didn't even see you there antheia." I chuckle lightly, watching as she clenches her jaw. I knew she hated when I called her that; or any other name of hers for that matter. I knew it bothered her and I loved it. But I also just loved her names, god they were perfect for her. " oh really? I think it's time for a haircut Wade, It's no wonder you haven't scored a goal in 2 games." She shoots back, I raise my eyebrows lightly. God I shouldn't find the way she talks to me attractive but I do. God help me I do. I knew she was right and I hated that, I couldn't focus lately and I couldn't figure out why. I look her over for a moment before clenching my jaw lightly " and here I was thinking about giving them to you. Good luck scoring more little nyx" I mutter before looking her over one last time and turning around.
As I sit with the guys and drink my beer I can't help but watch her, as she walks into the house with my sister and Delphine I raise my eyebrows lightly and wait a few moments before getting up. Muttering that I needed to piss. I walk into the house, holding the door open and pausing in the doorway as I hear junipers voice. " oh my god you like Roman!" She exclaims and I raise my eyebrows, who was she talking to? " shut up juni- I swear you two are going to be the reason I die" Valentina says and it's quiet for a moment before I hear her voice again " it's not a big deal- it's just a stupid crush. I'll get over it at some point" she mutters and I curse under my breath lightly. She liked me? I was used to girls finding me attractive, but Valentina? I mean, she was way out of my league. She was too good for me. Too perfect. A fucking goddess. I take a moment before stepping outside, the door closing behind me as I walk back toward my seat, not even realizing that they probably heard the door. I couldn't think straight right now.