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As the clock struck 11 at night, Taylor was off at a red carpet event, likely a premiere or something. While I wasn't the least bit angry with her for leaving me home alone, boredom began to creep in as exhaustion set in. The thought of drifting off without Taylor by my side was out of the question. I could never and will never fall asleep without her. To make things even worse, Taylor had an after-party that she was hosting at her house after, meaning I wouldn't have her undivided attention until around 2 or 3 in the morning.

Finding myself seated on the couch with Meredith and Dibbles, I was watching an episode of iCarly, when the sudden arrival of numerous cars in the driveway caught my attention. Quickly turning off the TV, I raced over to the window to catch a glimpse of the guests arriving. With people spilling out of their vehicles and making their way to the front door, I found myself at a loss. Upon unlocking the door, a few of Taylor's friends walk in, greeting me warmly before disappearing into the kitchen.

Responding with a shy wave, I watched as more and more guests flooded into the house, all while wondering where Taylor could possibly be. A sudden movement caught my eye, and sure enough, Taylor emerged from one of the cars, flashing me a brilliant smile through the window and waving me over to go outside to greet her. 

I don't waste a single moment and make my way through the crowd of people to reach Taylor, my heart racing in anticipation. As I get closer, Taylor stands there with open arms, beckoning me towards her. Without hesitation, I sprint towards her with all my might, throwing myself into her waiting embrace. I wrap my arms and legs tightly around her, feeling an overwhelming sense of warmth.

"Mmm, I missed you," Taylor whispers softly into my ear as she slowly lowers me back down to the ground. My feet touch the pavement but my embrace remains tightly around her.

"I missed you too," I murmur, my words slightly muffled by the fabric of her shirt. Tilting my head up from her chest, I meet her gaze as she smiles down at me, a look of pure adoration in her eyes.

"You seem tired, love," Taylor observes, her hand tenderly tracing comforting patterns up and down my back. I simply shrug in response, nestling my head back against her comforting embrace.

"Pumpkin, it's time to get you to bed," she soothes me gently. 

"No," I protest with a playful whine, reluctant to let go of Taylor.

"I refuse to go to sleep without you by my side," I insist, not wanting to let her out of my sight. 

"I can wait until the party ends; I'd rather stay up until the last guest leaves, as long as you're with me," I reassure her quietly. Taylor, however, ensures that my well-being comes first.

"Rain, you need your rest; you won't be staying up that late. Let's head to bed together for some cuddles," she suggests, her voice laced with tenderness. I nod, reluctantly releasing my hold on her waist, knowing that her comforting presence will instantly put me into a peaceful slumber.

Taylor tells a few of her friends that she will be back, along with them saying hi to me and me just being shy and waving back. We walk up the staircase, Taylor keeping her tight grip on my hand, her touch providing me with comfort and security amidst the bustling crowd surrounding us.

"I'll fall asleep quickly, I promise, I won't make you stay with me long," I assure Taylor, my voice soft and sincere.

"Babe, take as much time as you need to sleep, my friends can wait, they have other friends anyway," she tells me, her laughter light and infectious. I nod, feeling a warmth spread through my chest. I walk closer and closer to her with each step we take towards the guest room, or rather my room.

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