Charge your phone

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This takes place when Taylor invited Rain to come to the eras tour with her in Paris.


" Rain! I'm not going to say it again, give me your phone right now." Taylor yells to me from the  car seat infront of me. I roll my eyes and slump back into the seat.

"It's fine! My phone isnt going to die, just stop!" I snap back at her. She turns in her chair and glares at me.

" Rain. I'm not asking you I am telling you, we have a hour car ride and 7 hours on the plane and Im not dealing with you whining the whole time. Give me your phone." She tells me sternly. Its quite embarassing because we are arguing infront of her mom and the driver, but they don't seem to care. I huff and give in handing her my phone. 

" I can live without my phone Taylor, im not going to die." I mutter the end, crossing my arms and looking out the car window. I watch as she plugs my phone into the charger, the screen lighting up with my wallpaper of me and her. I left my house mad at my mom because she kept yelling at me for not cleaning my room. And when I got into the car, me and Taylor immdietly got into a argument about my phone almost being dead. Now I have a whole hour with nothing to do. Taylor is in the front two passenger seats with her mom, nobody is in the main passenger seat. And I am sitting alone in the back, two empty seats next to me. 

I start kicking my seat against Taylors seat in boredom and anger. I can just charge my phone on the plane, she didnt need to take it from me. She's acting like my mom. The more I think about our tiny arguement, the more pissed of I get and the harder I kick her seat. Her and her mom are caught up in a conversation about the tour, not paying any attention to me. When I imagined being on a hour drive with Taylor, I didnt imagine myself being on my phone anyways, because I would have Taylor to keep my company. But now she's mad at me. 

" Rain stop." Taylor tells me, breaking my thoughs. I pause my kicking. 

" Stop what?" I snap back in sass. She sighs and puts her head in her hands.

" Im not about to argue with you, stop kicking my seat. I know you are bored, I'll come and sit with you when Im done talking to my mom." She assures me. It calms me down knowing that she isnt as mad as I thought she was, because she told me that she would come sit with me. So, I stop kicking Taylors seat and press my legs up to my chest, resting my head on my knees. about 20 minutes go by of Taylor talking to her mom, this whole time I have been listining, its all still about tour, planes, hotels, boring stuff. I shift in my seat, I try laying down, then try sitting against the window, then try putting my legs on Taylors chair, nothing is comftorable. Without thinking, I start whining and squirming around, and It cathes Taylors attention.

" You ok?" I hear, I look up to see Taylor turned in her seat, along with her mom, they are both looking at me concernend. I nod my head no, putting my legs back down.

" I can't get comftorable, and I'm bored." I say, looking at Taylor longingly. She sighs and looks at her mom before unbuckling and crawling back to sit next to me. Taylor settles next to me and buckles her seatbelt.

" Ok what should we do for," Taylor pauses to look at how much time we have left. " 30 minutes?" I shrug and rest my head on her shoulder. 

" So, Rain, when is your next dance competition?" Andrea turns to ask me, breaking the silence. I stay silent for a moment, thinking about when my next one is.

" Not for another 2 weeks, I think." I respond, grabbing a hold of Taylor hand and holding it in mine. " Taylor, if I'm so bored right now, what the hell amd I going to do on a 7 hour plane ride?" I whine, twisting Taylor's fingers in my hand.

" Sleep, watch a movie, we could talk. Don't worry hun, you'll survive." She laughs. " Thats why I needed to take your phone, so It could be charged and you would have something to do." Taylor adds on. Why does she keep bringing it up? We had an arguement now its over, why can't Taylor drop it? I lift my head off her shoulder and let go of her hands, slumping back into my seat.

" Yea but you didn't need to yell at me." I snap at her. 

" Rain. Don't start with me." She sternly says back, glaring at me. But my head is looking out the window and I can't see her, but I can feel her glaring. I huff and roll my eyes.

" But you keep bringing it up! You aldready got mad at me, just stop! You predicted that I was going to get mad on the plane, but you don't know that you just assume!" I lash out. I don't make eye contact with Taylor after that.

" Rain, thats because I know you, I have seen you bored before. Whats wrong? Why are you so mad, I know its not me." Taylor consoles me. I look away from her and cross my arms.

" No! Your so annoying, stop!" I yell back, turing to the window again, ignoring whatever else Taylor has to say.

" Ok, I don't know whats wrong, so Im going to give you some time. When youre ready to talk, I'm her for you." Taylor says softly. She puts her hand on my arms but I brush it off. I hear her sigh before getting up and going back to sitting with her mom. I don't hear anything for awhile so I assume Taylor is mouthing something to her mom that she doesnt want me to hear. I start to regret yelling at Taylor, I was just so upset that she was upset with me. It was her, my mom, even Raven yelled at me before I left today. Everyone just seems so done with me. The only way to fic it, is to apologize, but I can't, Im too scared to now. I sit in my thoughts for another 10 minutes, blocking out everything else, until I hear Taylors voice.

" Rain, are you ready to talk now?" Taylor turns in her seat and asks me. I stare at her for a moment. there was too much going on in my head now, mostly my mom, and her words repeating in my head about how everything is my fault. Then Raven acussing me for stealing her makeup and yelling at me before she left, that fight got pretty heated. And now its Taylor and my phone. " Rain?" she says again. Something about her voice being softer than it was when she was yelling made tears prick my eyes. I nod and outstrech my arms as a tear rolls down my cheek. 

" Oh pumkin." Taylor says, getting up from her seat and sitting next to me, wrapping her arms around me. I slump into her warm body and rest my head on her chest. "Whats wrong?"Taylor says in my ear. Salty tears roll down my cheeks as she sways us.

" I don't know,  it's just everyone is so mad at me today. Im sorry for being a pain." I cry to her. She sighs and stops swaying us.

" Rain, you are never ever a pain. You're just a 13 year old, trust me I was just like you." She laughs. I look up at he with teary eyes.

" Who is mad at you, because I'm not. " Taylor tells me, looking down at me and tucking my hair behind my ear. I sniff and tilt my head back down.

" My mom because my room wasn't clean enough for her liking and that just turned into her being mad at me in general. And Raven because she thinks that I took her makeup, but  I didn't. When I left this morning she was so mad at me. And then I made you mad the second I got into the car. Im sorry." I explain to her, looking up at her at the end.

"It's ok Ray, I'm not mad, I understand why you were so upset." I smile at her and rest my head back into her chest. She squeezes me tight and sways us back and forth. I laugh as she does.

" I love you." Taylor reassures me. 

" I love you too." I say back to her, looking up and smiling so big. We are both just staring at each other smiling when I hear a camera flash. I turn my head to see Andrea holding up her phone.

" Sorry, you guys are just so cute." Andrea smiles. I smile back at her and slump back into Taylor. That picture was definitely going to be my new lock screen. 

My. Head. Hurts. Ok bye Idk what else to say.

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