I miss you

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This was the very first instance that Taylor had trusted me enough to be on my own in her house while she was out enjoying a night of clubbing with Travis and her friends. She had only recently started allowing me to stay overnight, and this time she assured me she wouldn't return until I was fast asleep. The challenge for me was that I had never experienced falling asleep without Taylor by my side. Fighting against overwhelming boredom, I roamed aimlessly through her house, but even the cats, usually active and playful, were all dozing off soundly in different corners of the house. The absence of Taylor made me realize how much I missed her constant presence; she had always been by my side, never leaving me alone like this before. Nevertheless, before she left, she kept repeatedly making sure that I was comfortable with her leaving. But I wanted her to go have fun with her friends at the club. I continuously reassured her that I was fine with her leaving me.

I gave up on trying to fight off my boredom and decided to stroll over to the inviting comfort of the couch. Perhaps a little distraction from the TV could help pass the time. As I nonchalantly flipped through the various channels, my search finally led me to the familiar sight of Friends. The show held a special place in Taylor's heart, and now, thanks to her influence, it had become a source of comfort for me as well.

Nestling into the cushions on the couch, I shifted and wriggled, attempting to find that perfect position of pure relaxation. However, no matter how I adjusted, nothing quite equaled the coziness of being in Taylor's arms. But there was no way I could text or call Taylor, she was likely enjoying herself elsewhere,and I also don't want to seem needy and clingy. Deciding to reach out to her boyfriend Travis instead, I retrieved my phone and sent him a message. To my surprise, his response was almost immidiete, offering a quick connection that eased some of the loneliness I felt in Taylor's absence.

Me: Are you still at the club?

Travis: Yeah, what's up Hal?

Me: Is Taylor still with you?

Travis: Yep!

Me: When will you be home?

Travis: Not for awhile, what's up?

Not for awhile? I don't know how I can sleep without her. And I can't stay up till like 1 or 2 AM.

Me: Is Taylor on her phone?

Travis: Yea, I can ask her to call you.

As I saw Taylor's name pop up above my screen, a sense of familiarity and comfort washed over me. Without hesitation, I accepted the call, immediately greeted by a cacophony of voices and booming music in the background. Struggling to hear Taylor's voice over the noise.

"Rain? What's wrong?" Taylor's voice cut through the chaos, her concern palpable even through the loud music playing at her end.

Feeling a wave of longing, I softly confessed, "I miss you." It was as though my admission quieted the commotion around her, making her presence feel more real, more soothing.

"I moved into the bathroom so it's quieter. Are you okay?" Her caring tone tugged at my heart, prompting a moment of reflection before I responded.

Drawing comfort from the sweater Taylor had given me, I opened up further, "I want to be with you right now. I'm sorry; I just can't seem to sleep." The mention of missing her brought a tinge of sadness to my voice.

Taylor, from the midst of a bustling club, promised, "I'll see you when I get home." Despite the reassurance, my heart still ached, and I couldn't help but utter softly,

"But I miss you. Please, Tay."

Confusion laced Taylor's next words as she inquired, "Please what, hun?

"I want cuddles. I'll be asleep when you get home."

With a tenderness in her tone, Taylor comforted me, "Go to sleep now, my love. I'll see you when I get home." Yet, the idea of slumber without her felt daunting, and I confessed,

"But I can't fall asleep without you."Sensing my struggle, Taylor offered a compromise,

"Try, my love. If you really can't in 20 minutes, I'll come home." Slightly defeated, I acquiesced,

"Okay," resigned to her gentle solution.

Before we ended the conversation, Taylor urged me, "Try though, okay?" Her words lingered in my mind as I replied,

"Okay," with a hint of reluctance.

As a final reassurance, Taylor declared, "I love you,"

"Mhm, I love you too. Bye."

Before we disconnected, Taylor left me with a safety net, "Bye Rain, call me if there's an emergency."

Affirming her offer, I promised, "Okay, I will,"As I place my phone besides me and lay down on the cozy couch to watch "Friends", I make sure to close my eyes and focus on trying to fall asleep. The background hum of the TV playing softly provides a soothing ambiance as I decide to switch off the lights in an attempt to encourage some restful slumber. Despite not being in my usual bed, I intentionally position myself downstairs, eagerly waiting for Taylor to return home. Filled with a mix of anticipation and restlessness, I find myself tossing and turning in the hopes of drifting off into a peaceful sleep. However, after what feels like an eternity of tossing, just like Taylor had predicted, I reluctantly admit defeat and decide to reach out to her for comfort. Typing out the words,

"Taylor, I can't sleep... Please, I need your cuddles," I hit send and patiently await her response. Almost immediately, Taylor's reassuring message pops up on my screen, offering comfort and promising to be home in 20 minutes. Grateful for her understanding, I place my phone down on the armrest of the couch and immerse myself back into the world of "Friends".

As the minutes tick by, the sound of the front door clicking open catches my attention, prompting me to rise from the comfort of the couch and eagerly head towards the entrance. Taylor's arrival is met with a warm smile that lights up her face, and as she locks the door behind her, she extends her arms in a welcoming gesture, inviting me into a comforting embrace. Nestling into her chest, I revel in the warmth and security of her hug, feeling a wave of contentment wash over me in her presence.

"I missed you Tay," I say softly, feeling the warmth of her chest against my cheek. Leaning into her comforting touch, she gently rubs my back, soothing the ache that lingered in my heart from her absence, and places a tender kiss on the top of my head.

"I missed you too, hun," she whispers, swaying me in her embrace. Her arms feel like a safe haven. After a moment of intertwined closeness, she finally releases me, but she keeps her arms wrapped around my waist.

"I'm sorry, did I ruin your night?" I lift my gaze to meet hers, searching for any hint of disappointment. Instead, her eyes reflect understanding and compassion as she smiles sympathetically, a gesture that speaks volumes more than words ever could. With a gentle touch, she tucks a stray strand of hair behind my ear, a silent reassurance of her unwavering support.

"No, of course not. I regret leaving you for so long; I should have known you weren't fully prepared," Taylor murmurs, her words laced with regret. Drawing me closer, she cradles my head against her chest, the rhythmic beat of her heart syncing with mine.

"How about we go change and head to bed, how does that sound?" she suggests, her fingers tenderly combing through my hair. In that moment, I am consumed by a profound sense of gratitude for having her by my side.

IM SO EXITED TILL GUTS!!!! ! 12 MORE DAYS! Also did u guys hear jojo siwas new song...erm

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