Y6 Chapter 9: Dancing heartaches

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With each day that passed, the looming specter of the Yule Ball filled me with dread. Even with my best friend at my side, I couldn't shake the rising tide of anxiety. How was I supposed to act like nothing was wrong? How could I pretend that I hadn't spent the past week avoiding Fred and Angelina, retreating to the solitude of the dormitories to escape the mounting pressure?

The thought of facing them at the ball, of putting on a brave face while concealing my true feelings, made my stomach churn with apprehension. And then there was the prospect of spending the holidays alone at Hogwarts, a daunting idea that grew more intimidating by the day. Despite my parents' love, they were always preoccupied with their own lives, leaving me to navigate the emptiness of their absence. Time was a luxury they could never spare, leaving me to grapple with my solitude in the echoing halls of this castle.

As long as I remained within the safety of the Hufflepuff common room, I could shield myself from the prying eyes and probing questions of my classmates. Here, amidst the warmth of the common room's hearth, I found solace in the comforting embrace of solitude. The chatter and laughter of the other students drifted through the air, but they were distant echoes that couldn't breach the protective barrier I had erected around myself.

Of course, there was one exception to my self-imposed isolation: George Weasley. He had a way of breaking through my defenses with his easygoing manner and genuine concern. In him, I found a confidant, someone with whom I could share my fears and uncertainties without fear of judgment.

The one thing I couldn't bring myself to confess to George was the overwhelming truth that I harbored feelings for his brother. To admit that I had feelings for his brother felt like a betrayal, a breach of the unspoken bond between us. So, I kept my silent affection hidden deep within, buried beneath layers of friendship and loyalty, unable to find the courage to confess the truth. Not to him and especially not to Fred.

"Alone again?" Cedric's voice startles me as he leans over the back of my chair. I glance up at him, a small smile forming. "Just reading," I reply, lifting my book as evidence. He shakes his head with a playful grin. "Come on, you can't spend all your time cooped up in the common room."

Standing before me now, the warmth of the fireside fills the room. Cedric takes my hand and gently pulls me to my feet. "Let's dance," he suggests, a smile etched upon his lips. "Show me if you paid attention in McGonagall's class."

I can't help but chuckle at his persistence. Dancing again isn't exactly what I had in mind, but with Cedric, I feel a sense of ease. He positions his hands, and I mirror his movements, grateful for his friendship in this moment of uncertainty.

"Aren't you scared?" I inquired, curiosity tinged with concern about the upcoming Triwizard Tournament.

Cedric paused for a moment, considering my question. "A bit, but I think it can't get worse than being chased by dragons, right?" he responded with a chuckle, releasing me from our impromptu dance. "See, it wasn't that bad to stand up and interact with friends."

His warm smile encouraged me to open up, and I took a deep breath before continuing. "Now tell me what's actually bothering you," he prompted gently, sensing there was more beneath the surface.

I glanced around the room before leaning in closer to Cedric. "You can't tell anyone, seriously," I cautioned him, emphasizing the confidentiality of our conversation.

"Of course," he assured me, settling beside me by the fireside.

Taking another deep breath, I admitted, "The person I like is going with someone else to the Yule ball." A heavy sigh escaped me as I shared my troubles. "Go on, laugh about my tiny problems," I added, bracing myself for his reaction, expecting him to dismiss my concerns as insignificant.

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