Y6 Chapter 13: welcome back to hogwarts

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Returning to Hogwarts felt like stepping back into reality after a fleeting dream. The air between Fred and me crackled with an unspoken tension, each interaction laden with a weight that seemed to grow heavier with each passing day.

I couldn't deny the palpable shift in our dynamic, the awkwardness that hung between us like a thick fog. Every time he was near, my heart threatened to leap out of my chest, betraying the calm facade I struggled to maintain. It was as if his presence only served to amplify my feelings, making them stronger and more intense than ever before.

But I couldn't afford to indulge in these emotions, couldn't allow myself to dwell on the possibility of something more between us. He was just being kind, just looking out for me because of what I had confided in him about my parents, right? That was all it was—a simple act of compassion, nothing more, nothing less.

As the weeks turned into months, we fell back into our familiar routine, pretending as though nothing had changed between us. Yet, beneath the surface, the questions continued to gnaw at me, eating away at my resolve to bury my feelings deep within.

Had I imagined the connection that had sparked between us on New Year's Eve? Was it all just wishful thinking, a product of my own overactive imagination? Or was there something more, something real and tangible, lurking beneath the surface of our friendship?

If Fred didn't want to acknowledge what had transpired between us, then neither would I. It was the only way to preserve the fragile balance of our friendship, the only way to protect my heart from the inevitable pain that awaited me if I dared to hope for something more.

The thought of whether Fred had confided in George about our encounter on New Year's Eve lingered in the back of my mind, a nagging curiosity that I couldn't shake. The twins shared everything with each other, their bond unbreakable, and I couldn't help but wonder if Fred had divulged his intentions that night.

But amidst the whirlwind of schoolwork and the endless pursuit of my true parentage, I found little time to dwell on such matters. Hogwarts demanded my full attention, and I poured myself into my studies with a fervor that bordered on obsession. Despite my already stellar grades, I refused to let my academic performance slip, determined to maintain my standing as one of the top students in my year.

As for my quest to uncover the truth about my biological parents, it proved to be an exercise in futility. Despite my best efforts, I hit dead end after dead end, each lead leading me nowhere. It was a frustrating and disheartening process, one that left me feeling more lost and confused than ever before.

My eyes scanned the pages of the adoption records from 1978, searching for any clue that might lead me to my true parents, but once again, I came up empty-handed. Frustration gnawed at me as I closed the book, feeling defeated.

"Trying to find anything again?" Fred's voice broke through my thoughts as he settled beside me, taking the book from my hands. His words were laced with concern, his brown eyes meeting mine with an earnest expression.

"If they found you in Godric's Hollow, I doubt you'd be in here somewhere," he remarked, his tone gentle yet matter-of-fact. A pang of disappointment shot through me at his words, the reality of my situation sinking in once again.

"Sorry, that was insensitive," he quickly added, his expression softening with remorse. I offered him a reassuring smile, shaking my head slightly. "It wasn't, don't worry," I assured him, though the ache in my heart remained.

There he was, smiling at me again, his concern for me evident in every word and gesture. It was moments like these that reminded me why I valued his friendship so deeply, why I found solace in his presence.

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