Y6 Chapter 10: A warm welcome

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It was getting easier for me, pretending not to care and just being Fred's best friend again. Each passing day, I found myself slipping back into our old dynamic, laughing at his jokes, sharing secrets, and spending time together as if nothing had changed. The more I pretended, the more it felt real.

I confided in George, assuring him that I'd manage and that I'd be over Fred in no time. George seemed to accept my words, nodding understandingly and promising not to mention the incident at the Yule Ball again. I was grateful for his understanding, relieved that our friendship remained intact despite the emotional turmoil I'd been through.

As days turned into weeks, I threw myself into my studies and extracurricular activities, trying to keep myself occupied and my mind off Fred. I found solace in my friendships with Angelina, even with her pretending began to feel real.

However, beneath the surface, I couldn't shake off the lingering feelings I had for Fred. They lingered like a persistent ache in my heart, reminding me of the bittersweet memories we shared and the unspoken words between us.

Despite my efforts to bury my emotions, I couldn't deny the way my heart skipped a beat whenever Fred was near, or how my gaze would unconsciously seek him out in a crowded room. I tried to ignore the longing in my chest, pushing it down and pretending it didn't exist, but deep down, I knew it was futile.

But for then, I resolved to focus on being Fred's friend and nothing more. I plastered on a smile, burying my feelings beneath layers of laughter, pranks and friendship, hoping that one day, I'd truly be able to move on.

Christmas Holiday this year came a bit late for some of us, thanks to the Yule Ball festivities. With only a week at home, it felt like a short break, but I wasn't particularly bothered. I had already planned to stay at Hogwarts for the holiday, so the timing didn't affect me much.

I hurriedly wrapped my scarf around my neck and made my way to the train station. Catching Fred and George before they left was a priority; I wanted to at least say goodbye to my best friends before they departed.

I threw my arms around Fred and George at the train station, feeling a surge of warmth at the sight of them. They turned to me, their expressions a mix of surprise and amusement. "Where do you think you're going without saying goodbye?" I teased, trying to lighten the mood.

Confusion clouded their faces as they exchanged a glance. "What's going on? Aren't you ready to leave yet?" George asked, his brow furrowing in concern.

It hit me then that I hadn't told them about my plans. Taking a deep breath, I mustered up the courage to explain that I had decided to stay at Hogwarts over the holidays, as I usually did.

"But you can't spend the holidays alone at Hogwarts," Fred protested, his voice tinged with worry.

"It's fine, really. I'm used to it," I assured them, trying to brush off their concerns.

But they weren't convinced, shaking their heads adamantly. "No way. We can't let you do that," George insisted, his eyes filled with determination.

I stood my ground, refusing to budge. "Nothing you say will change my mind," I asserted firmly.

Fred and George shared a knowing look before George's face broke into a mischievous grin. "Then we'll just have to take you with us," he declared.

"Yeah, Mum won't say no, especially since Harry gets to be there all the time," Fred chimed in, a playful glint dancing in his eyes. As Fred grabbed my wrist, a rush of excitement and anticipation coursed through me. I met his gaze, momentarily losing myself in the warmth and familiarity of his eyes, before he pulled me behind him with determination. George remained behind to watch over our belongings at the train station while Fred led me toward the Hufflepuff common room.

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