Chapter 50: The Perfect Partner

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I grunted with effort as I leaned into each strike of the portable shield generator. The creaking of the ceiling mount could be heard following every blow, landing with a concussive thump that resonated through my training suite. It was in concert with the aggressive training mix I always blared when trying to vent my frustrations. The metallic smell of blood on my hands reminded me of all the failed sparring partners I had savaged the night before. With every punch and kick I unleashed on the unyielding opponent set before me, I felt more fearful of not being prepared for the task ahead. This went on for another hour before I felt like myself again.

After properly cleansing myself of the day's training, I retired to my quarters and sat on the corner of my bed, peering blankly into the darkness. I had spent every spare moment trying to find a suitable training partner, but among the crew, none were acceptable. They were either too weak, too unskilled, or too untrustworthy for me to show them my newly awakened strength. I knew what I needed to do, but to ask her just seemed dangerous. However, I was out of options, and if anyone had the answer I sought, it would be her.

I settled my nerves and pushed myself off the bed, saying, "Red, may I speak with you, please?"

A split second later, I heard a scratching noise to my left and jerked my head in that direction. I saw a small form crouched in the shadows, perched in the corner of the ceiling unmoving. I called out, "Red?"

The form shifted jerkily, and two bright orbs flashed open with blood-red vertical pupils, then greeted me with a clipped and raspy voice. "Yes? What do you want?"

I could tell the A.I. was trying to unnerve me, but I was too old to fall prey to such shallow manipulations. I knew how eccentric and prideful A.I.s such as this could be, so I said, "Red, why are you in the shadows? A beauty of your caliber should never hide such perfection."

Red's eyes widened, then narrowed to near-invisible slits. I saw her form coil in on itself, and she leaped forward, flying towards me with both arms open and a giant smile on her face. Her holographic form hung off my neck, squeezing with all the imaginary strength she had, and squealed, "Oh my gosh, I knew there was something special about you!"

I squeezed my hands together tightly, plastered the biggest smile I could muster onto my face, and said, "Aw, thanks, Red! I think you are special too. While I have you here, is there any chance I could ask a favor or two of you?"

The tiny A.I. released her hold and floated in front of me, saying, "Of course, bestie! You're like my third favorite person now, and that comes with major perks!"

I placed one hand on my hip and the other in front of me, giving Red a big smile and a thumbs up before saying, "Thanks a lot! I have a big problem that I think only you can help me with. Since I woke up in the tank, I have been training as hard as I can, but I can't do this alone. I need a partner and thought maybe you could find me a suitable human to work with."

Red floated backwards a few feet and gave me a disapproving look before answering, "I don't think that's a good idea. If I was to allow you to spar with one of my humans, you would either get no benefit from the training due to the necessity for you to hold back, or you would kill them by accident. If you had asked me before you gained access to vital energy, I still would have been hesitant. Your species has more than triple a normal human's strength."

I let out a disappointed sigh and said, "I understand your trepidation, Red, but I must find a partner. After you left me by the tank, I felt something inside of me change. From everything I have read, I think I awoke with an unlocked ability. The more I probe this feeling, the more I am sure that I need someone in order to train it. I believe I unlocked some kind of support ability, but won't know for sure until I can find a partner."

Red's eyes widened at my proclamation and turned towards the blank wall to her left. With a flourish of her hand, five human holograms appeared and slowly rotated. These specimens were different from the rest of their kind. They were the humans that had evolved during their awakening. I gazed at the impressive sight arrayed before me and asked, "Which one would you recommend?"

Red stepped forward and pointed at the middle figure, saying, "This human would have the best chance of being able to help you. He has an affinity with agility and acquired an electric-based evolution that accelerates his cognitive speed. In due time, he will become quite the speedster and should be able to avoid a majority of your blows."

I shook my head and said, "I am afraid that won't do. It doesn't matter how fast they are. I can't afford for my partner to be laid up in recovery for a week after I land a hit. I need someone tough, someone that can take a hit, Red. Out of all your awakened, do you not have one that can rise to the challenge?

Red lowered herself down to the ground and began to pace. The A.I. donned an expression I had never seen on one of their kind before. She looked as if she had what I needed but was torn on whether or not to give it to me. Just as I was preparing to plead my case further, she spoke, "There is one among them that would be more than suitable for your needs, but he is most precious to me. I am willing to allow you to speak with him, but he is not the only person you have to convince. My mother and her associate must also agree, or the arrangement would be untenable."

The combination of excitement and confusion warred in my heart till my curiosity couldn't be contained, and I asked, "Ruby, did you just say your mother? What do you mean by that?"

Red nodded vigorously and through a big smile, she said, "Well, of course. Mom and the grouchy old monk worm live inside of the one you seek, so you will have to have their permission in order for this to work out. I can tell you are confused and probably want to ask me a thousand more questions, but I simply don't have the time. It's best to try and not think about it and just trust me."

I tried my best to not show the fear I felt building inside. This poor A.I. has completely lost her mind and is liable to do anything. My only chance of survival is to humor her and play along. I can feel it in my gut that if I step one toe out of line, she is likely to jettison me into space. So I told her sweetly, "Of course, of course! I am more than happy to speak with them. Are they in the room with us now? Can they hear me?"

Red gave me an amused smile and said, "Ha! You're funny. They are in simulation #021914. I have arranged a shuttle to transport you to their carrier under the guise of a random inspection. Follow me, please. We must hurry if we want to make it there before his bedtime."

As I dumbly watched Red's retreating form prance down the corridor, a feeling of impending doom gripped my heart, and I said a silent prayer for courage as I followed the malfunctioning A.I. to my certain death.

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