I. Tohru Honda AKA The Lady Beetle

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Tohru Honda AKA The Lady Beetle has the power to create objects from her Lucky Charm yo-yo weapon.

She, at first, started out as being completely infatuated with Yuki Sohma, but then they both started to realize exactly how they had really felt about one another. From that point going further forward, she actually found that she gravitated herself a lot more towards Yuki's own orange-haired cousin, Kyo Sohma, instead. What she still does not know to this very day about her former main love interest is that Yuki Sohma was always The Replicator Rat in secret, and still is to the day of which she and Yuki moved on from one another after realizing that they are better off as friends. She is also just as unaware that her current love interest, Kyo Sohma, and The Lady Beetle's number one crime fighting partner in every duo of superheroes on their team, The Black Cat, are also one in the same.

Despite being quite blatant about his feelings for her whether as Kyo Sohma or as The Black Cat, although not always on purpose, Tohru Honda still does not understand that Kyo Sohma, himself, feels the exact same way about her and has always felt the exact same way about her since even before the two of them had ever met, even as civilian children, back before the ladybug and the black cat miraculouses were passed on to her and to him respectively.

As for whenever the two of them are The Lady Beetle and The Black Cat, Tohru Honda AKA The Lady Beetle simply believes that she and Kyo Sohma as The Black Cat are just better off by having a strictly professional relationship and keeping their love lives as far away from the conflict of their lives in superhero form when saving Tokyo from crime and the forces of evil as possible. When Tohru Honda AKA The Lady Beetle finally tells The Black Cat AKA Kyo Sohma that there is a boy in her life that she likes more than him, The Black Cat does not even realize until much, much, much, much, much later on in their shared jobs as a duo of superhero partners that he is his own love rival simply because The Lady Beetle is in love with Kyo Sohma.

As painfully unaware as she is of Kyo Sohma's own feelings towards her being the same as her new(er) feelings towards him, Tohru Honda AKA The Lady Beetle is still even more oblivious to The Black Cat's feelings towards both Tohru and The Lady Beetle. Then again, she is also quite oblivious of even her own feelings for Kyo Sohma when she first starts to fall in love with him.

Tohru's own mother, Kyoko Honda (maiden name: Katsunuma), who was also known as 'The Crimson Kyubi' when the wild woman was still alive, raised her daughter by herself when Tohru's father, Katsuya Honda, had supposedly died of a poorly treated injury that never got the chance to heal itself quickly enough. Tohru naïvely believed her father's death to have just been that of an accident, but she had learnt later on that it was really a murder via a duo of supervillains from within the Sohma Clan who used and abused the powers of two of the Chinese zodiac miraculouses. Tohru's poor mother's heart grew ill and even suicidal shortly after her father's death, and Tohru developed a deep, but surprisingly closed-off hatred for the Chinese zodiac miraculous jewels, supervillains and all manner of evil. The bad news about her thoughts towards her own situation kept coming as Tohru Honda even grew to hate her own father for having died on her and her mother.

Upon her joining the Chinese Zodiac Forces, however, Tohru finally saw just how blind and needlessly foolish she had been to hate her own late father for a reason that was completely beyond that of the poor man's control. Of course, all of the Hondas other than her paternal grandfather calling her mother, Kyoko, a two-timing slut just because Tohru did not physically resemble her father in any way other than the way she spoke to others did not exactly help with the way Tohru felt about Katsuya and might have caused the poor girl to hate her own father even further. The Hondas had even accused Tohru of being another man's daughter because of their 'evidence', which was purely circumstantial at best. At worst, the Honda Family's so-called 'evidence' of Tohru having not been Katsuya Honda's daughter was purely superficial.

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