Germany's family

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TW for mentions of suicide and abuse

Before I yap let me put in the family tree thingy

Prussia -> German Empire -> Weimar -> Third Reich -> East and West Germany (West is now modern Germany)

Germany has a very complicated relationship with his family.

Prussia is a hermit, and literally does not talk to anyone (except Austrian Empire but he denies this). He considers his family to be an embarrassment to the German identity as a whole and people, and really only speaks to them for emergencies or at family gatherings (A.E makes him attend). But, he's taken some interest in Germany and when he does speak to him, tries to interest him in war and topics like those, but Germany doesn't really engage.

German Empire is sort of in the middle of being a hermit and being outgoing. He doesn't speak to his family often too, but still relatively cares for them (except Reich, or Weimar). Weimar died before Germany was born, so he tried to step as somewhat of a grandfather/father figure to Germany when Reich didn't want to be there for him. He is normally the mediator at family dinners when arguments occur.

Weimar is dead. He wasn't actually a bad guy, albeit caring and kind, but died penniless and deemed an embarrassment by both his father and son. He wanted to see his country thrive and held a grudge against France till the very end. His last wish was to see his loved ones and the common people of Germany be.. happy.

Reich is... Reich. He has calmed down over the years but is still pretty damn radical. He was a horrible father to East and West, not bothering to spend time with them and opting to drop them off at Imperial Japan's doorstep (this is another headcanon..). He's always the one picking fights, usually with Prussia or making backhanded comments to Germany. As long as nobody mentions politics around him,he's somewhat tolerable.

East is dead. He was the twin of West, but was older by two months. He was the one that took on Reich's physical abuse the most, while West got yelled at and shamed in public. He strove to be everything his father hated, and gladly accepted being ruled over by Soviet. He became more paranoid as years went by, even if he wasn't that old (he was 29 when he committed suicide). He poisoned himself right before Germany was reunified, his final words are unknown.

At family dinners and such, there is always at least one argument. Whether it's Reich making fun of Prussia's old glory, or him just being a dick, there's at least one altercation. Germany always ends up carrying their burdens because they are not nations anymore. For every stupid thing they do, Germany gets the blame, Germany is shunned for having a family of war criminals and men who commit horrible things in their lifetime, not them. But he doesn't know how to confront them or anybody else. So he takes it. Silently. Why do you think he overworks himself?

Angsty but this is smth I dwell on. I've always liked Germany and his family. And I will fight every single person who twinkifies Reich into some sort of slut for Soviet. Fight me, SovNaz shippers, this is an official threat

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