Chapter 8: the fairies vs the phantom

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In the year X777

A young Erza, Cana, and Y/N found themselves seated by the tranquil riverbank, a serene setting often chosen for their training sessions. The gentle murmur of the flowing water provided a soothing ambiance as they engaged in conversation and contemplation.Y/N's frustration was palpable, his mood soured by the stark contrast between his magic and that of his twin brother, Laxus. With a visible pout, he vocalized his discontent."It's not fair," Y/N grumbled, his tone tinged with envy, as he reclined on the riverbed between Erza and Cana. "How come Laxus gets something as impressive as thunder, while I'm stuck with light?"

Cana, always the optimist, sought to uplift Y/N's spirits with her words of encouragement."Y/N, you should be proud. Your magic is akin to Master's, and he's a Wizard Saint. That means you possess the potential to be just as formidable, if not more," Cana reassured him with a comforting smile, hoping to instill confidence in her friend.

Erza, ever pragmatic, interjected with a dose of reality, her tone serious as she contributed to the conversation."But let's not forget, Master's prowess lies in defensive magic rather than offensive. He earned his title through his mastery of Giant's Wrath and the renowned spell, Fairy Law," Erza pointed out, unintentionally dimming Y/N's spirits once again.

Cana shot Erza a pointed glare, sensing the impact of her words, while Erza sheepishly sweatdropped, realizing she might have inadvertently worsened Y/N's mood.Quick to amend the situation, Erza offered a new perspective to Y/N.

"But Y/N, perhaps your strength lies in protecting others. You could become the ultimate defender of our team,our team will be team Erza" Erza suggested, her tone hopeful as she sought to inspire Y/N.

Cana, never one to miss an opportunity for banter, chimed in with her own opinion."Wait a minute! Why should we be 'Team Erza'? My magic is far more versatile than both of yours combined," Cana argued playfully, injecting some lightheartedness into the conversation.Y/N, fueled by newfound determination, made a bold declaration.

"Alright then, we'll be 'Team Y/N'! And mark my words, we'll become the strongest team in all of Fairy Tail, even surpassing the feats of Gramps himself!" Y/N exclaimed confidently, his resolve unwavering as he embraced the idea of forging their own path to greatness.

As the conversation progressed, the trio found themselves slipping into their usual pattern of friendly bickering, this time about who should assume the role of team leader.

Cana, with her confident demeanor and quick wit, was the first to throw her hat into the ring."Clearly, the most suitable leader would be yours truly, Cana Alberona!" she declared, a playful smirk dancing across her lips. "With my strategic mind and versatile magic, I'm the obvious choice to lead our team to victory!"

Erza, ever the voice of reason, offered a counterpoint to Cana's assertion."While your skills are impressive, Cana, leadership requires more than just strategic thinking," Erza remarked, her tone measured yet firm. "As the most level-headed among us, I believe I am better suited to lead our team."

Y/N, caught in the middle of their debate, couldn't help but interject with his own opinion."Hey, don't count me out just yet!" Y/N protested, a mischievous glint in his eye. "I may not have the level headedness of Erza or the versatility of Cana, but I bring enthusiasm and determination to the table. Plus, I have the coolest name, so clearly, I should be the leader!"

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