Pokemon they got :

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Here are ori's, Dylan's, Hailey's, and Ollie's pokemon :

Ori's pokemon :

-Griffin, the half-eagle and half-lion pokemon.
Type : Flying and Electrik type
Living : Kronkers
Name : Ace
Pokeball : Luxury ball
Male/Female : Male
First pokemon of Ori in a young age.
Found the pokemon : 10%

-Manaphy, the Seafaring pokemon
Type : Water type
Living : Kronkers
Pokeball : Dive ball
Male/Female : Female
Found with her egg and hatch and see Ori as her mother with her brother and second pokemon in a young age.
Found the pokemon : 11%

-Phione, the Sea Drifter pokemon
Type : Water type
Living : Kronkers
Pokeball : Dive ball
Male/Female : Male
Found with his egg and hatch and see Ori as his mother with his sister and third pokemon in a young age.
Found the pokemon : 11%

-Night-light fury, the light and night dragon pokemon
Type : Flying and Dragon type ( use Electrik type too )
Living : Kronkers
Name : Dart
Pokeball : Luxury ball
Male/Female : Female
Caught her when she was hurt and choose to stay with Ori and fourth pokemon in young age.
Found the pokemon : 10%

-Gardevoir, the Embrace pokemon
Type : Psychic and fairy type
Living : Kronkers
Pokeball : Great ball
Male/Female : Female
Caught her when she was hurt and choose to stay with Ori and fifth pokemon in a young age.
Found the pokemon : 50%

-Eevee, the evolution pokemon
Type : Normal type
Living : Kronkers
Pokeball : Normal pokeball
Male/Female : Female
Found her in the forest and abandon by her trainer because she can't evolve but use secret attack with all element type and choose to stay with Ori because she's more kind then her other trainer and Sixth pokemon.
Found the pokemon : 12.5%

( She will get more pokemon when she will get older )

Dylan's pokemon :

-Tigry, the ice tiger pokemon
Type : ice and steel type
Living : Kronkers
Pokeball : Luxury ball
Male/Female : Male
First pokemon of Dylan in a young age.
Found the pokemon : 10%

-Eevee, the evolution pokemon ( It will evolve into a flareon when Dylan will get older )
Type : Normal type
Living : Kronkers
Pokeball : Normal pokeball
Male/Female : Male
Caught him when he was find in the forest and was hurt and healing by Dylan. And Choose to stay with Dylan and evolve into a Flareon when Dylan got older. Second pokemon.
Found the pokemon : 87,5%

-Charizard, the fire pokemon
Type : Fire and flying type
Living : Kronkers
Pokeball : Dusk ball
Male/Female : Male
Was his and Ori's father's pokemon before their parents got missing and dissapear. Was give by Dylan's and Ori's father for him and train together. Third pokemon.
Found the pokemon : 50%

-Fyrigon, the fire dragon pokemon
Type : Fire and dragon type
Living : Kronkers
Name : Fyrie
Pokeball : Luxury ball
Male/Female : Female
Found her when she was hurt on the legs and wings and was healing by Dylan and choose to stay with him. Fourth pokemon.
Found the pokemon : 10%

-Scorbunny, the bunny pokemon
Type : Fire type
Living : Kronkers
Pokeball : Great ball
Male/Female : Male
Caught him in the forest when scorbunny was trying to protect some pokemon and was help by Dylan and choose to stay with him. Fifth pokemon.
Found the pokemon : 20%

( He will get more pokemon when he will get older )

Hailey's pokemon : 

-Phyolix, the fire phoenix pokemon
Type : Fire and Fairy type
Living : Kronkers
Name : Phylie
Pokeball : Great ball
Male/Female : Female
Given by Dylan's and Ori's mother as a gift for her and choose her to be Phylie's trainer. First pokemon.
Found the pokemon : 10%

-Ribombee, the Bee Fly pokemon
Type : Bug and fairy type
Living : Kronkers
Pokeball : dusk ball
Male/Female : Female
Found her in the forest and caught with her pokeball. Second pokemon.
Found the pokemon : 50%

-Sylveon, the interwing pokemon
Type : fairy type
Living : Kronkers
Pokeball : Love ball
Male/Female : Female
Found an Eevee in the forest hurt and heal her at home and choose to stay with Hailey and evolve into a sylveon.
Found the pokemon : 12.5%

( she will get more pokemon when she will get older )

Ollie's pokemon :

-Wrooker, the fish water dragon pokemon
Type : Water type
Living : Kronkers
Name : Gruper
Pokeball : Dive ball
Male/Female : Male
Gift by his father for him and caught him and choose to stay with him first pokemon.

( He will get more pokemon when he will be a little bit older )

Finish and also the pokemon like Dart, Ace, Tigry, Phylie, Fyrie, and Gruper those are my oc pokemon so enjoy the story👋👋👋

Kibaoh klashers : Guardian of slug and pokemon of KronkersWhere stories live. Discover now