and carried the weight of the rift

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Charles POV

   "Last time I was with her she tried to kill me so you guys could play nice guy with her, I'm done," said Lando, we all gave each other a confusing look. Why was he bothered, "what are you talking about mate," asked Pierre playing with a gum wrapper. "She managed to acquire two jobs, other than the other two she has. she has been offered to work with some team from the mlb and the NFL. She went to the restaurant we all had dinner and she left, but I wanted to talk to her so I got in her car," he said, I bursted out laughing, "mate why would you do that," I asked, max and Pierre both nodded, "I knew that was the only way she would speak to me, but I asked her why she was so mad," lando said, before Pierre hit him on the forehead, "mate! No way she gave you the chance to speak and you said that," he said shaking his head in disappointment.

We were sitting in the restaurant, and I was trying to be as quiet as possible. "Lando, it's obvious why she's mad. We left her at her most vulnerable moment," I said. In that instant, we heard a group of people enter the restaurant. To our surprise, it was her and her friends - but this was no ordinary group. There were about 14 of them, and they took the largest table in the restaurant.

She sat in the central seat, overlooking all her friends who were seated around her. It was as if they had placed her on a pedestal, looking at her with such love and care. They didn't seem to notice us, but we couldn't help but observe them throughout the evening.

The way they gathered around her, with such adoration and attention, was quite striking. It was clear that she was the focal point of the group, and they all seemed to revolve around her. The way they looked at her, with such admiration and respect were truly remarkable.
End of POV

Our friend Jenny asked me, "Hey, so how did you like the team you invested in?" I put down my bread and looked at her. "Well, it's okay. They're very welcoming, and I have to devote my time to them, but you know," I shrugged, and she nodded.

Louie was slouching while looking at me then said, "Yeah, you know, she just runs back to the people who broke her." The whole table went silent when he said that. I responded, "I didn't run to anyone, Louie."

Louie then said, "You sure about that? Because before I called you over, you were standing next to Lando." I scoffed and said, "It's almost like I invested in McLaren, of course, he was there," almost raising my voice.

At this point, our friend Jessie intervened and said, "Oh, okay, Louie, stop. And even if she doese become friends with them, what's the problem?"

Louie suddenly hit the table with his hand and said, "What's the problem? The problem is that when we took her in, she was all broken and shattered by what they did. And now, all of a sudden, she can be happy with them? No," he shouted at me.

"We didn't take her in because she was broken, we took her in because we all liked her," said Gracie.

Oliver tried to stop Louie, but it didn't work. Louie continued, "You pretend to be this innocent girl who lost her mother at a young age, but that's not the case. You love the attention. You love having the background that you came from nothing, and now your dad is spoiling you with luxury things and private jets and buying you teams because he feels bad for you that you have nothing. And that's all you'll ever get - people feeling bad for you."

I could feel myself getting angry as Louie was yelling at me. I stood up from my seat and looked at him, and said, "All of this is just because you're jealous." I then grabbed my drink and threw it at him. The drink spilled on him, but he moved quicker than I thought, and I heard the glass shatter.

Max's Pov

    The restaurant was quiet, it wasn't until later on that we heard agruging coming from the table where Mila was at, "What's the problem? The problem is that when we took her in, she was all broken and shattered by what they did. And now, all of a sudden, she can be happy with them? No," Louie shouted at mila.

We all looked At each other confused because it made no sense to us why he was yelling at her and about what?

Stitches Undone; Lando Norris and Charles Leclerc Where stories live. Discover now