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Heyyyyyyyyyyy I know I took like a long time but I got caught useing chat gpt oh an assay so no I pad😼🙀 anyway I'm back so here's a new chapter 🤓😫😁😆😀😀😀😀

Alright guys let's get back everyone, you're breaks over

Callisto-when can we leave, heaven knows how long we're been here
Oh you're good only 3 mins back at the solar system
Huh everyone says in a Union, yeah time goes faster here soooooo. You're alright buckaroo

The screen starts again, this time with Uranus he's been unknown gazing at earth for a few now and everyone, but earth can see that he has an obvious crush on earth, but besides that everything has been fine with earth, everyone quickly adapt to him being there after a while they started to notice earth was a little different finally discovering the living creature on his surface" hey earth thiea asked 'yeah' yesterday I was looking closer at surface and I can't help but notice the moving things on you surface what is i ' oh those are dinolings there livening creatures along with my other life' wow you have life that so cool Mars and Venus once hade some time of life but they vanished. Can I ask you another question' yeah go ahead. What did you mean but running from him' earth frozen he hasn't been thinking about iris a lot scene he ran away" if don't feel comfortable telling me that ok" no I want to tell you I trust you" earth started to explain how he got to the solar system and about his trauma" when he was done thiea cried, cried because someone as caring as earth hade to go through that, cried because her new friend hade to fright his way out with no help, it ok it fine I'm good now, I'm not there anymore then they proceeded to sit in a comfortable silence

Luna- I'm glad he found someone that he can trust and hade someone there for him "crying"
Titana-yeah i'm glad he found a new home we're he can finally be in peace
Oberon- yeah me to, still doesn't change the fact he a jerk though
Luna- guys please for once he change, he was trying to find Titan and apologized and the rest of the moons he feels extremely bad I know it doesn't excuse what he didn't but please just listen to what he has to say
Everyone looking at each other nodding their heads, willing to listen to what the earth has to say
Ganymede-fine when we get there will call it off and see what the earth has to say
Luna smiles

So Uranus finally excepted that you DO have a crush on earth" yes alright mate i do, well that's nothing to be afraid of, just promise you won't tell anyone, Saturn appears" won't tell anyone what. That Uranus has a crush on earth" Neptune blinks one eye at another like he didn't just give Uranus out after promised he won't"  WHAT THE HELL NEPTUNE YOU SAID YOU WOULD TELL" I did?
Awww that's to cute Uranus don't worry I'll help you" Uranus "sighs" thank you Saturn.

Time skip
It been a few million years since earth came to the solar system. Thiea died a long time ago dued to crashing which earth it still sad about, everyone is but no one talked about it earth kinda been lonely dued to thiea's death, but soon mars came into the picture easily becoming his best bud, recently earth been curious to about the coldest planet in the solar system, earth actually never talked to him so he decides to send him a letter introducing himself

Europa- I wonder what's in the letter
lo- y-Y-yeah is it a love letter
Callisto- no idiot Uranus likes earth not the other way around
Tridon- now I know not to say anything secretive around Neptune
Luna- well I think Uranus should back off
'He pouts'
Titana- but it so cute (despite Him waiting to use us as ring)

When Uranus receives the letters and look at the name he sees earth smiling at him and he blushes and turns quietly reading the letter, he was happy with the introduction and hearts and drawing, sending a letter back and forth they continue, until Uranus hade the courage to finally go talk to him" earth looked tired after spending the whole day trying to stop Venus from trying to chase mercury for calling him my'lady "what a day.. huh in a soft voice in his Australia accent, earth slowly turned around finally seeing Uranus up close for the first time, URANUS he saids surprised' what are you doing here isn't it to hot, I can stay here for a good while before returning back to my ordit' after that they talked  on and on for a few earth hours before Uranus finally had to return bad" well mate sorry to have to cut loose but I have to return back I think I can finally fell the heat" wait holding Uranus hand promise you'll come again I really in joy talking to you"with a faint blush on his face he looks back, Uranus takes his chin (Kaiser styles just gently) looking at him in his eyes of course I will smile, hugs him then leaving "Byeeeeeee see you later, byeee" returning back to his ordit

Someone has a crush on Uranus Venus call out, with mars laughing" no I don't where really good friend. Sure because you let anyone touch you like that last time mars was trying to tap your shoulder you punched him" I like my personal space, not with him though. Mars start singing" Uranus and earth sitting in a tree k-i-s-s-i-n-g Venus then joins first came love then came ok stop.

Lo-told you they love each other
Titana- we dont know that but it noticeable
Callisto- guys I think earth moons haveing a mental breakdown
Everyone turns to look at him talking to himself about why Uranus was touching earth earth with is eyes twitch
Wait did they turn there heads let me fix that real quick ...... there

Alright guys where almost done but here a other break bc I'm nice🥰
Gaynmade- sure

Sorry for punishing late hade to drainstorm more cringy ideas but expect an update anyways bye my beautiful future doctor, lawyer, engineer, sings, artist, preacher, nurse, teachers, Ubers, CEO'S, and astronaut's what ever you want just know you will become that  have a nice day, morning, night, and life byeeeeeeeeeee😍😘🤪😼 please comment I would love to here what you think about this I haven't gotten any so i was kinda upset I didn't realy know if you guys like it or not

Word count-1140

If you got this far I'm adding more to part one an extra paragraph then the second last paragraph has a little more

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