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Hey got some good suggestions from a special person my best friend🤪😼*sparkles* and a special reader you know who you are @amystarfire222  thank you so much this was pushed back so that I can think ALSO IM IN SCHOOL SO BARE WITH ME


Europa-ahem who are you to call me- I mean us fatasses you sit there all day doing nothing
Luna-yeah and I heard you call us crusty last time

Ok ok let's start

The screen opens up with earth floating around in his orbit but he's curled up in a way you would see a baby in the womb, asleep close to where Venus and mars where playing asteroid dodge earth unknowingly gradually begins to get closer" um mars, Venus I think you should calm down a bit earth should be here anytime soon, and you guys know how much he adores his dinolings
Relax mercury I'm sure he's not here till a few more earth hours, yeah what he said pipsqueak" avoid an asteroid swiftly just then Venus picks up 10 to 20 asteroids with his gravitational pull and shoots them mars. Which he dodge only 7 of them. The rest of them going some where ELSE "BAM" they here an loud noise

Europa-Oh that how he lost his dinolings
Titana-what are dinoling
Callisto-a type of life that earth had on his surface but is now extinct
Luna-wait till I see Venus
Titan- they did really mean it
Luna-yeah you're right at least they didn't mean it unlike some people planning.

As earth was sleeping he felt multiple asteroids hit his surface suddenly he wakes up screaming dued to the pain you see earth not like the other planets if he where to get hit then his core would start to erupt' just then while earth core erupted you can see lava start to poor out where the asteroids hit earth still screaming in pain

Oberon-oh lord..

Every single planet turns earth was to see what was going on" EARTH WHAT GOING ON" Jupiter comes running to earth side seeing earth screaming in pain curled up just then he takes a closer look and see large marks and lava coming out of earth surface. Haveing an idea of what going on he turns slowly to look a mars and Venus's who are quietly watching a scared" what the fuck did you do" just then the other gas giants arrived seeing earth conditions and Jupiter tooling at the other rocky planet like he was going to murder them and astroid around them they begin to piece the clues together. Uranus being the first to talk" what. The. FUCK DID YOU DO
Mars and Venus look scared. Then Jupiter begins to talk mercury you better explain
Aaand mercury begins to talk explain what went down while earth was hit Jupiter not wanting to listen anymore now starts to float to an now less screaming more crying earth with Uranus next to him consoling him that everything's going to be all right. Shhh it alright as earth was crying he began to start talking about his dinoling like it was the last thing that mattered, Saturn yelling at mars and Venus for there recklessly. Then earth topic changes" Uranus, Jupiter I feel tired Hey stay awake, like really tired Idont think I can stay up much more" just then earth past out. EARTH, Uranus yells out his name. But earth was already in a deep slumber and nothing could get him out

Titan-why did he fall asleep
Luna- earth a little different bc his life is apart of him when a big chance like his layers and life becomes destroyed
Earth falls into a deep slumber. That why where usually carful with him as you can see the also feels the pain of the lava on his surface and it almost like a fire all over his body

Callisto-is this why you where trying to stop us
Luna- yes and no you guys don't know earth like I do he didnt mean what he said
Ganymede- sure sounds like he did
Europa-yeah it REALLY DID sound like he meant it

Alright yappers can we continue

ALRIGHT finally

Time skip 100 years later

Lo- he sleeped for 100 years
Luna-yup that what Jupiter told me

We can now also see a sleeping moon everything look Normal except earth and the moon where both sleeping

Titana-look it youuu

When are you waking up earth I'm sorry.... Please wake up" after a few earth day earth finally woke up from his slumber but because he was on the other side of the sun and all the other planets where on the other side no one really knew" huh... where am I oh I must have sleeped. Whose this he look at Luna" wow so beautiful" he begins to wake up Luna, Luna finally waking up opening his eyes to meet one eye sky blue the other emerald green." W-w-who are you , wow your so pretty I was just about to ask the same question the names earth. What your um uh, I dot realy know who I am. Hummmm well I'll call you Luna. As soon as earth ordit on the other side was over he first see mercury" hey mercury look at my new child isn't he just so cute" mercury look at earth and Luna like they where crazy,then started yelling mars and Venus to come over to make sure he's not hallucinating. When they began to get close they see earth looking at mercury like he was crazy,"earth your awake, umm yeah why are you so surprised, Venus begins to talk you've been asleep for 100 years. WHAT,

The three begins to explain to them what happed and what was going on during the time he was asleep
Mars during this time went to go fetch the gas giants

Jupiter, guys you won't Believe this, what mars, Earth is awake and he seems to have a moon now
Really. Saturn cry's out of joy and Uranus looking ecstatic, Neptune looked happy as always, but just a lot more happy.

As they all begin to float closer to the earth you can see earth turn around with an happy face one his face calling out each and everyone of the gas giants names like he hasn't seen them in forever

Got work to do hade to stop here soooooooo see you guys in a while byeee if it not goood I was kinda lazy with it I'll go back to add more and some spelling problems i know bare with me plzzzzz👩🏿‍🦰😤

Word count-1170

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