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*downstairs in kitchen*


Samar : sit here quietly.

*he made her sit on the chair and ordered one of the maid to bring food for both of them*

Samar : Now eat.

Yn : Noo im not eating your food! Who are you to order me??

*her anger bursted on him suddenly , she was angry and hurt at the same time..*

Samar : just eat for now. *while eating his meal*

Yn : why are y-you doing this to me...?

*unknowingly her voice was..hurt and low at this time..she looked down at her lap..while fiddling her fingers..*

Samar : im not telling u to save someone or a country , just eat for god's sake do u want to die from starving ??

Yn : being dead is better than living with you..I HATE YOU!!

Samar : well then keep talking..

*he began to eat his food..he wasn't giving a damn now if she ate or not..he finished his food and began to walk towards the living room where Pasang was*

Yn : c-can i go n-now..?

Samar : shut the fuck up.

Yn : why are u keeping me? What am i to you??

*a loud sigh left his mouth..*

Samar : done with you now..Lets go

*with that he started dragging her towards HIS BEDROOM , she was struggling to free herself from his grip but it was all useless*

Yn : l-let go of me!!

*he shut the door close , giving ger death glare..making her mouth shut IMMEDIATELY , he picked up his towel and went in bathroom*

*yn tried to take advantage of this moment she tiptoed towards the door trying to open it*

Yn : i-its..l-locked...

Samar : do u think im that much of stupid...?

*she widened her eyes and flinched at his dark voice..she was froze on her place..she heard him laughing darkly from bathroom..*

*suddenly the bathroom door opened..making her turn around in reflex..Samar came out of the bathroom...his hairs was wet making them stick on his exposed forehead..his black T-shirt was hugging his muscles perfectly...u gulped at the view..u cant deny nut accept that...he was dangerously hot for u too handle right now..before u came out of your thought he was already in front of you..*

Yn : d-dont come n-near me..go away u mo-

Samar : MONSTER right? I know..

Yn : Good that u know..

Samar : you know what? doesn't matter how much u hate me..your eyes shows something else..

Yn : go away from me..Samar..

*slowly u felt weak infront of him..why u cant fight back..why u cant look away from his eyes..? What is he doing to you..?*

Samar : look...u cant even look away from my eyes..

*yn gulped hardly..cause she didn't knew why she cant look away..she was angry on herself..for feeling weak in front of this MONSTER..*

Yn : u know what..i hate you soo much..u are Disgusting , cheap , and a mons-

*your words got cut in BETWEEN...cause his lips were on yours again..*

Yn : *BETWEEN the kiss* s-stop.. stop it.

*yn pushed him away she stumbled..she got his kiss..*

*yn pushed him away harshly but..he...he just smiled...?*

Samar : the way..u react to my touch..

*with that he was out of sight of hers..she fell on cold floor..tears left her eyes uncontrollably...she was hurt and angry on herself cause she let him take controlling on her..yn was Crying...why? Cause he kissed her? Or she missed..his lips..was she frustrated or angry..?*

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
615 words...yess thats it for today
Meet u all in next part♡
Till then take care bie!^^

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