09. Coke Can Hat

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“Mom, I'm going to come home a bit later today, is that okay?”

The question didn't seem to take my mother by surprise. Sighing, she put down the plate she was cleaning and turned to me.

“Going to hang out with... what was her name... Jen, are you?” Her eyes were both tender and accusing. “Angela, I really wish you would...”

“No,” I interrupted her. “I'm being tutored. I have a math test next week, and I don't want to fail.”

That did take my mother by surprise. Good thing she had already put down the plate.

“Oh Angela!” A warm smile spread across her features. “I'm so proud of you. I was right, after all. You're really growing up and taking charge of your life. Come here my angel.” And she gave me a big mom-hug, which was good, because while hugging me she couldn't see the guilty expression on my face.

Jen's reaction to my plans when I had to reject her idea of going to the movies after school was rather different, however.

“You can't come because you're being what?!”

“Tutored,” I said, trying to keep a straight face. “I'm being tutored.”

“O good. I thought perhaps you said it is because you are being an ass. Or is that the same? Let me think... yeah, it is. Please tell me you're being forced into this?”

“No. We have a test next week, and I don't want to fail. That's it.”

“And to think I've called you my friend in public.” Jen looked disgusted. But I was pretty sure she was only joking.

“Jen,” Sandra admonished. “There's nothing wrong with tutoring. I do it myself, occasionally.”

“Yeah,” Jen said, “but you're a geek. And I can't believe you've been tutored. You wouldn't need to be.”

“No, I didn't mean I've been tutored, I meant I've been tutoring people. 6th- and 7th-graders, you know. It's really rather fun.”

“O God.” Jen covered her eyes with the back of her hand. “I'm surrounded by traitors! Help me, someone!”

“How about me?” Anastasia asked.

“I don't know.” Jen lowered her hand and looked at her, suspiciously. “Have you ever been a tutor or been entangled with one?”

“I took a course in reading tea leaves once. Does that count?”

Jen uttered an exaggerated sigh. “No, you're clean. Thank God I've got one friend worth having.”

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

My heart was hammering when I arrived at the homeless shelter. Would Giacomo be there? Had all his talk yesterday just been a joke? And what if it hadn't been? He was just impossible to figure out.

“Hey, girly!”

I had been staring at my feet, because all my concentration was necessary for walking straight with all these disjointed thoughts in my head. Glancing up, I saw a few disheveled figures sitting on the steps to the front door of St Christopher's. They hollered at me and made hand gestures that were more than suggestive. I studied the gestures with interest, just in case I saw one Jen didn't know yet. Otherwise, I tried to ignore the jerks. But when I walked past and one of them stretched out his hand towards me, I twisted around, kicking his hand away.

“Ouch!” He sprang up and staggered backwards. “Are you crazy, bitch?!”, he yelled. His companions got up.

“No,” I said. It was annoying, and more than a bit disconcerting, that I had to stare up at them although I was standing on the porch and they on the ground. That didn't make it easier to make my voice sound menacing, either. “I'm just not in the mood to be groped by you guys. And if you want your dinner you'll remember that. You are here to eat, aren't you?”

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