30. Dead Line and Wood

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In a past era, when I had been a foolish and inexperienced child, say, oh... four weeks ago, I'd thought that school was long. Never had I been so wrong. Not all the endless hours spent in math, English or biology classes could compare to those ten minutes I spent outside the shelter, waiting for Giacomo. I stood, silently pressed against the wall of the alley where we'd met the first time after our reconciliation. When he finally appeared, I threw caution to the wind. Caution liked to fly, anyway.

I sprang out of the alley and hurled myself at him. He whirled around, his arms crossed in a strangely defensive position, but as soon as he saw who it was, he opened them and hugged me tightly. Only for a moment, though. After that blissful moment, he tried to loosen his grip. But I wouldn't let him.

“Would you mind not letting go just yet?” I mumbled into his too hard chest. “I've had to make make do with my pillows as substitutes long enough.”

He laughed, and I rejoiced at the sound.

“Angela! Somebody could see us, you have to let go!”

“Either that, or you have to carry me into the alley.” I tightened my grip around him, making my point. He picked me up and sighed, but there was no trace of exasperation in his sigh. Quite the contrary, in fact. He carried me as if I were as light as a feather, and soon we were concealed in the shadows of the alleyway. Then, finally, I did what I'd dreamed about the entire weekend: I drew him down to me and pressed my lips to his.

For the next few minutes, there was silence, except for the occasional gasp or honk of a horn. And no, the latter noise didn't originate from me. We were in a city, remember? Although I don't blame you if you forgot. I did. I forgot pretty much everything around me right then, because I was kissing my boyfriend. It was still hard to think the words. I had a boyfriend. And not just any boyfriend. Not just a guy that I went with because no other would ask me out. I was locked in the arms of the guy of my dreams, a boy who made my skin tingle and my heart race with unbelievable passion. No wonder people made so many movies about stuff like this! It was fantastic. Better than I could ever have imagined.

After a few minutes, Giacomo drew back. I strained to reach him but his face was too far away for me to reach on my own.

“Did you want to breathe again at all this evening?” He panted. “Or have you postponed that till tomorrow?”

I grinned up at him. “Well, I'm sure you know the motto of all good procrastinators: Always put off till tomorrow what you could do today.”

He laughed again.

But for me, it was difficult to keep the grin on my face. Always put off till tomorrow what you could today – like asking him if he would leave soon. Leave me.

In an attempt to hide my face, I pressed myself to him again. I wasn't sure if there were tears in my eyes. And it was so much easier to ignore this horrific possibility when I could smell his smell and feel his chest right in front of me.

“You have to go,” he said from above. “Your parents will be expecting you.”

“Yeah, I know.”

I didn't let go.


I pressed myself to him, hard, one final time.

“When?” I whispered. He understood immediately.

We both knew what I meant.

“You know the 'Stop' sign opposite your house?” he asked.

“Like I could forget. It was my mother's favorite spot to to teach me traffic rules as a little girl.”

“I'll be waiting. Tonight, at midnight.”

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