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Sunoo pov

Suddenly, a man with a really sexy body and outfit with black, messy hair and brown eyes comes to me. In his hand was a blood red beer.

"Hey, cutie. Are you single tonight?"

He asks me with an evil smirk on his face. I nervously nodded and didn't think about the others because of drunkness.

The men took a seat in front of me.

"Hey, what's your name actually, or should I call you cutie?"

I laugh nervously. And spoke out.

"Sunoo, kim Sunoo. What about you? What's your name?"

He comes closer to me, one of his hands on my tight. Then, a smirk came again on his face.

"Min Dongseok. But call me just Dongseok."(He is just an image character)

We talked for a few minutes until I suddenly felt like someone was watching me the whole time.

It was Nishimura Riki. He watched me the whole time, and I saw how easily he let other girls walk up to him and touch him. I gave him a side eye and then rolled my eyes

Dongseok was weird, too. He kept reserving beer and giving it to me until I got really drunk, and my cheeks turned red.

"Sunoo? Are you tired? Do you wanna sleep? You can sleep in my house if you want."

Dongseok asked with a soft voice. He kept his hand on my back. I got closer to him and looked into his eyes.

"Yah, Dongseok! I don't need to sleep! But...if you sleep with me then maybe..."

I said in a drunk tone. I pushed him slowly and got closer to him. He took my waist and grabbed my chin.

"I would love to, babe. "

He said and slowly moved his hand towards my private body part.

"Should we take a room, babe?"

"I- I'm not sure. Maybe is this too fa-"

"Love, don't accept the time. Love just do his own thing."

"But -"

"Pshhhh....no buts. Let's go."

He said, and wore me in briday style.
We get a room. And then he throws me on the bed. I get a little back, and he gets closer to me.

"Dongseok...I, I'm not sure about it." I said nervously.

He comes closer to me and starts kissing my neck. I moaned a bit. He did it well, but not so well, like my Japanese boy.

He pushed me on the bed, lay on top of me. He started unbuttoned my shirt. I couldn't do anything because of my weakness.

Suddenly, his belly started bleeding.
Someone shots at his belly. I think I know who this could be.

Dongseok lay beside me because of pain, and he started moaning.

I saw the face, who shots at Dongseok. And yes. It was Nishimura Riki.

"You little bastard, did you really think that you could run away from me so quickly? I allowed you to touch him and talk to him a little. But now my patience is running out. Be glad I didn't take your head off your body."

Niki said and gave him a last hit in his face and comes to me.

"Sunoo, don't tell me you thought really i would kiss this girl?" Niki asked, gave me his puppy eyes.

I gave him a side eye and spoke

"I did not think. I know it! I saw her kissing you, you Bastard! You cheated on me!"

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