chapter 4

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Uzi Wake up, it's time for your first day of school" Nori said as she tried to wake up Uzi.

"wake up, wake up, wake up, Khan said as he entered with a drum and was beating on it.

" KHAN!" Nori screamed at him.

her voice then went back to soft pitched.

"that was the backup plan" Nori said.

Uzi then woke up "what happened?" Uzi asked with a groggy voice.

"oh your up... well it's time for school Uzi" Nori said.

" but Mama I don't want to go, I wanna stay with you.

"I know Uzi but you have to"

"why do we need school aren't we just walking computers?"

Nori's face then turned into a loading circle, a few minutes later it was normal again.

"yes that's technically true but you see Uzi, we are trying to live Life similar to the humans, even though they mistreated us, we are trying to prove to them that we are more than just mindless machines " Nori said.

" oh ok I get it now" Uzi said as she giggled.

at the school:

"who can tell me who JC Jensen in spaaaaaaaace is?" the teacher asked.

" Uzi "the teacher called on her as he saw Uzi's hand up.

"JC Jensen in spaaaaaaaace" is the evil mega corporation, responsible for our creation and mistreatment" Uzi said.

" good job Uzi" the teacher said as Uzi Sat back down.

a few minutes later it was free time and Uzi was playing with her toy astronaut.

a few minutes later another child approached Uzi.

"hi I'm Lizzy" the other child said.

"hi Lizzy I'm Uzi" Uzi replied.

"that's a cool astronaut" Lizzy said.

"I want it" Lizzy spoke up as she tried to snatch it away from Uzi.

they both were pulling and it snapped it half sending both children flying across the room in opposite directions.

as uzi hit the wall she looked at her toy astronaut which was now headless.

Uzi then cried so loudly that it broke the windows.

"Uzi what's wrong?" the teacher asked.

"Lizzy broke my toy" uzi said as she pointed at Lizzy.

the teacher then put Lizzy in time out.

a few minutes later it was dismissal time.

back at the doorman family home:

Uzi was having dinner with her family.

how was your first day of school Uzi?" Nori asked.

" my toy broke" uzi said, with tears in her eyes as she showed them the headless astronaut.

" how'd it break?" Nori asked as she held the toy.

" this girl named Lizzy tried taking it from me" uzi said as she hugged her mom, crying.

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