Chapter 2: Welcome to Hogwarts

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September 2nd, 1995 Saturday

Alice awoke the next morning alone in her dorm. She hadn't had the chance to meet her other three roommates as she was the only one to be in the room when she had first entered it last night after arriving from the Great Hall. The other girls most likely in the common room catching up with each other and their friends at the time. Alice didn't have the energy to mingle after all she had endured so she had went straight to sleep. She was a bit weirded out when once again she awoke to a empty dorm room, the three other beds sitting neatly in their positions with their green sheets perfectly made. She had woken up much later than the rest due to her exhaustion from yesterday's events. Because of this she once again lost her chance at being able to meet a fellow Slytherin.

"Looks like everyone's gone," she whispers to herself, as she gets up from her new comfortable bed. She decides to quickly get dressed into one of the new school uniforms that thankfully had appeared in the trunk at the end of her wooden-post bed, as her belongings had been destroyed in the dragon attack.

She puts on her Slytherin robe, and applies a bit of makeup before deciding she was ready to start the day. She was excited to finally explore and get to know the castle. Alice exits her dorm room, hearing the door magically lock behind her. She makes her way down the stairs and enters into the common room, finally wanting to get a chance to explore the rather large room before she meets with Professor McGonagall. She starts to feel a bit awkward as she can feel people watching her, just as they did when she first walked into the common room last night. She had ignored it at first, she didn't care at the time due to how exhausted she was. But now that she was refreshed and full of energy she couldn't help but feel tense. As she walks further into the room, she hears someone whisper over to their friend, "It's that new fifth-year." She ignores it and continues to observe the beauty of the common room. She knew that introductions were in order, and she was trying to build up the courage to do so. "Must be - different - starting Hogwarts in your fifth year," she hears the friend quietly reply back.

Alice notices a tall, young wizard standing right in front of one of the many fireplaces that inhabited the large Slytherin Common Room. His hair was a light platinum blonde, resembling the color of snow. It was what caught the girl's attention amidst the crowded common room. He had his head buried in a book as he paced back and forth in front of the fireplace while reading through its contents. "That is not helpful," he whispers to himself as he skims through the pages. She had a strange sudden urge to go up to him so she musters up enough courage and makes her way towards him. The boy seems to notice her oncoming presence and looks up from his book at her. His eyes were an icy grey with a mixture of a beautiful blue. It reminded her of the light blue traces of magic that only she could see. He had a sharp nose and slender face. The fireplace beside him crackled loudly and emitted its orange glow onto his pale complexion. Alice felt a bit nervous all of a sudden. She was slowly losing all the courage she had mustered underneath his intense gaze. She hadn't realized just how handsome this young wizard was. She stops in front of him and as she's about to politely introduce herself she immediately stops as her attention is pulled away by his sudden rudeness. He slams the book he had open in his hands shut, throwing it onto a small table that stood nearby the fireplace with a thud. He stands up straight as he lowers his gaze and peers down at her.

"Can I help you?" He says a bit harshly as Alice looks up at him with a blank expression. She was a bit offended at how he was coming at her and as she was about to check him on his attitude, she sees his eyes slightly widen in recognition. " - Ah. You're the new fifth-year. I'm Draco Malfoy. Welcome to Slytherin," he says in a calmer tone.

Alice decides to play along as she politely responds, "Thank you." He couldn't help but analyze the young witch's face. He had noticed her in the Great Hall of course, due to her grand entrance. Now face-to-face, Draco couldn't help but find the young girl even more attractive. Her black curls stretched down her back, the wavy spirals framing her small face and bringing out the sharpness in her cat-like eyes. Her lips were tinted a dark burgundy, lashes long and thick. Her eyes were fierce; from afar they would seem brown but up close Draco could see the hints of gold and specks of green. He was mesmerized by her, but didn't show it. He was also mildly impressed at the way she boldly sauntered up to him, something only a few would do.

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