Chapter 5: The Forbidden Forest

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September 4th, 1995 Monday

After a long hot shower, Alice had changed into a fresh new set of her school uniform with a clean Slytherin robe to accompany it. Her hair fell in wet long spirals that were still slightly drying as it lay against her back. She had redone her makeup that was ruined from the journey to Apollonia Black's Secret Grotto; applying black mascara to her long lashes and burgundy lipstick to her plump lips. She was glad to not have caught sight of Draco within Hogwart's many corridors during her return from the grotto. She had looked and felt like a wet dog as water dripped from off her soaked uniform which earned herself curious glances as she marched towards the Slytherin Common Room, her drenched shoes making squishing sounds against the floor that left wet footprints trailing behind her. She was glad to have bought an extra pair of black shoes that had caught her eye the same day she bought her black bag as they now came in handy. Now that she was all clean and refreshed, Alice headed out of her dorm-room and straight towards Professor Umbridge's class for her lesson in Defense Against the Dark Arts.

Draco waited patiently for the young witch's arrival as he sat in his seat next to Pansy. Professor Umbridge hadn't arrived yet so the class was full of chattering students. He had his back leaned against the wall behind him as he sat turned in his chair facing Pansy, his left arm draped over the top of his chair as his right arm rested on his desk. He was watching the door closely as he sat facing it to eye the students that walked in, none being the entrancing Slytherin girl whom he had his eyes out for. He wanted to finally tell her what had happened after the library with Scribner and to apologize for his recent behavior this morning.

He averts his gaze to the front of the classroom where loud laughs could be heard from the nearby Gryffindor. This takes his attention away from the opening door in which the very Slytherin girl he had his eyes out for was entering into the classroom. Instead of letting the door slam itself behind her like all the rest of the students have done, Alice pushes the door handle back softy as she shuts it and makes her way towards her desk in the back right corner of the room. She made her way towards her seat directly behind Draco. She had an inkling he was meaning to apologize to her for what took place in Potions, she noticed the apologetic look on his face in Potions Class before Snape had instructed him to stay and ruined the moment. He hadn't noticed her entrance as he was closely eyeing a group of Gryffindor boys sat at the front left corner of the classroom whom were speaking loudly amongst themselves. He had a frown on his face from being able to hear the loud Gryffindors from the other side of the room.

He hears the scooting chair from the desk behind him as he whips his head to the left at the sudden noise. There sitting right behind him at her desk was the very girl he was in search for. They sat face-to-face three-feet from each other, her desk enacting as a barrier between the two. He noticed her change in appearance as her braid was now gone and replaced with her usual display of black curls that draped around her like a long curtain. Her hair was a little damp but he can see a few of her curls have already dried. She smelled divine as a wafting smell of lavender with a hint of vanilla enveloped him. She innocently removed her Slytherin robe and draped it against the back of her wooden chair, exposing the white long-sleeved shirt and black skirt she wore underneath that she also paired with a mandatory green-striped tie to represent her house.

She smirks at the boy she's been dying to talk to whom stared back at her in some sort of entrancement, his blue eyes never leaving her face as he slowly smiles back in return delighted to see her. After Potions class he hadn't seen her since, it was as if the girl suddenly disappeared. He had gone in search of her but could not find her anywhere. He was starting to believe she was avoiding him. But that couldn't be farther from the truth as the young girl stared back at him with a smile as she was in search of him too.

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