Chapter 7: Percival Rackham's Trial

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September 6th, 1995 Wednesday

The bell of the door to the cluttered shop jingles as a young Slytherin witch makes her way into Spintwitches, located in Hogsmeade. She had woken up extra early to make her way to the small shop Everett had mentioned yesterday after Flying Class. She had loved the way she had felt when riding on a broom, the way the air whipped at her face as she zoomed around like a missile through the wind's currents. She was curious to visit the shop. So after a quick breakfast in the Great Hall, she found herself finally stepping into the shop.

As the door softly closes behind her, she sees who she assumes to be the shopkeeper whom whips his head up quickly to glance up at her from the sudden noise of the bell. He stood behind his desk as he slightly leaned against it, to his right was a small antique register. He had short, brown hair and wore thin squared spectacles. He was wearing a red sweater with a white collared undershirt, a red-striped tie perfectly wrapped underneath the white collar.

His brows raise slightly at the appearance of a new customer as he straightens up and says with a bright smile, "Ah, a new face. Wonderful!"

Alice stops opposite his desk as she looks up at him with a reciprocating smile, "Hello. Mr Weekes, is it?"

The man nods at this and says politely, "Albie Weekes, at your service. Welcome to Spintwitches. Apologies if you came by before and weren't able to come in. Shop's been closed since trade routes were disrupted. Had to travel as far as London to meet with my supplier - and I've only just returned. Thankfully, with inventory. I presume you're in the market for a new broom? Got a few rare Yew Weavers available. Ember Dash, Silver Arrows - Wind Wisps too. No matter what broom you choose, you'll be pleased. They're all exceptional - both in quality and performance."

"Sounds quite the array of brooms. I'll have a look around. Thank you," Alice replies as she gazes around the shop at all the different types of brooms that were mounted up onto the surprisingly towering walls of the small shop, the ceiling reaching way up high. She wanders for a few minutes as she ponders what broom would fit her best, there were so many different intricate designs. She noticed small white price tags tied around the tips of the broomsticks with different numbers displayed on each broom depending on its design and quality. She was relieved to see they were in her budget, having to use her saved up monthly allowance she received from her parents. Professor Fig was able to exchange the currency for one that is used in the Wizarding World. Alice was very indecisive at times, so the task of choosing a broom was very difficult for her and it showed in how long it took for her to finally choose one to her liking. It was a broomstick that had a unique woven design. She glances over at Albie as she says, "I'd like to take this one."

Albie smiles as he makes his way from around his desk and towards the young girl who pointed up at her chosen broomstick that sat mounted a few feet up the wall. Albie grins as he removes his wand from his back pocket and uses Accio to bring the broomstick down into his open palm. "You'll be thrilled with that broom. I promise you!" Albie says as he takes the broom back over to his desk and places it atop the wooden surface, using his wand to point towards a large wad of white wrapping paper. As the wrapping paper begins to magically lurch forward towards the broomstick, Alice quickly says, "Wait!"

Albie hesitates, his wand still held up as he stopped the wrapping paper from moving any closer. He glances over at the young girl who says sheepishly, "I was planning on flying back to Hogwarts..."

"Oh! Why, yes! Of course, my apologies!" He says with a slight blush as he uses his wand to retract the floating wad of white paper back into its original position.

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