first night part 2

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Tesha was doing her regular night routines as she took a shower as she was now shown in front of her mirror in a towel as she dose her usual face skin care before changing into a bra and pantie set as she had a small star tattoo on her waist.

God forbid if her her brother ever found out she just hopes hes to busy trying to have sex with Kesha to notice as she was fixing to get dressed she heard a creek as she paused turning around "hello"she calls out but gets no response as she just shrugged her shoulders.

She didn't know a demon was watching her as she was half naked as she shivers feeling chills.

"Jesus it's cold"she says to her self as she picks out her clothes.

She puts a a loose t shirt with flannel pants as she pulled her hair up as she walks out her bathroom turning the light off her room had dark red walls with many of her favorite band and singer posters with pictures in a collage frame of her favorite moments as she walks over to her bed that had mixed color pillows with many blankets as she crawls it in as she turns her lamo off.

It was later on that night as she was in a deep sleep before hearing a loud fart down from the hallway and her brother freaking out as she groans turning over a she buried her head under her pillow hoping it would stop but it doesn't as it continues as she snaps her hand down lefting her head up with an annoyed look as her left eye twitches.

"for love of God out a fuckin circle in it some people are trying to get some damn sleep you nasty ass bitch!!!"she yells before going back to sleep as she blocks out all the noise trying to go back to sleep.

She was shown sound asleep snoring away as the sun shines through her window before a loud scream was heard making her yell snapping awake as she rolls off her bed falling to the ground with a thud.

"I'm gonna kill the bitch I swear"tesha grumbles into the floor before sitting up as she untangled her self as she gets up walking out the bedroom it seemed she wasn't the only one her brother heard it to as he had his camera as they walked down the stairs to see what Kesha was freaking the hell about.

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