ghost guys

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Later on that morning tesha wore high waisted black ripped jeans with boots and a Reb crop top as her makeup was done as her hair was in Dutch braids.

The doorbell rings as Malcolm who was a black t shirt over a green long sleeve shirt with the sleeves rolled up and jeans with tennis shoes as he opens the door showing to men with there store uniforms they were here to set up cameras cause of Kesha being paranoid.

She watches as her brother almost closed the door on the second guy before he lets them.

"Hi I'm Malcolm and this is my sister tesha"her brother says as she just waves.

"Nice to meet y'all I'm Dan the secretary man and this is my brother and associate Bob"Dan explains as she noticed he was a little out there before he noticed Kesha filming as he goes to take the camera.

"Hey yo, you better back up!"Keisha says as apparently the two man have there own reality show before doing a weird hand movement around his face as the siblings share looks boy do they know how to pick them.

"Is the owner home"Dan asked.

"Dude my brother is the Owner"tesha says with a raised eyebrow as Dan and Bob laugh not believing it at first before realizing they were serious before the siblings walk of as the others followed.

Tesha was on her phone while the cameras were installed before they were shown around Malcolms computer as Dan was shown sitting in the chair.

"Got you all tied in uh just hit the space bar, the mouse, you flash from the kitchen"Dan explains as the camera was shown then the entryway as other cameras shown the backyard and living room.

"I even tied in the webcam"Dan says as siblings look look into the camera on the computer as they stood behind Dan.

"You know here's something you wanna think about you can remote access these things from wherever you are I can set that up if you want to just give me your passcode"he then explains.

"Nice try buddy but no thanks"tesha snarls crossing her arms as Malcolm agreed with his sister.

"Good choice but you could set that up if you want to I mean your out of town on a business trip you might want to check up on the sister and the missus make sures they're safe "he says.

"Or what ever she's doing you know girls they like to have a girls night when you're out of town "he says before he looks like he was about to bust into tears talking about some girl in sex position.

"Ok this just got awkward "tesha says as Dan continues to rant before he pulls up cameras at his house crying seeing his wife cheating on there bed in front of the dog as he cry's while tesha and Malcolm share uncomfortable looks while Bob films the who thing from behind them as Dan rants as tesha smiles awkwardly as Malcolm scratches his head before he pats Dan on the shoulder trying to comfort the best way he can.

Tesha sees Bob recording "dud don't be filming this shit in our house"she says as Malcolm hugs on Dan awkwardly as he cries on his shoulder.

Dan was calm as they were all shown standing in the main foyer "why are you installing all these security cameras anyway"he asked.

"Because of this superstitious bitch right here she thinks they have a ghost"tesha explains annoyed as Kesha gives her a fake smile she wore a pink and black stripped shirt with jeans and heels as Dan explains that him and his brother actually have there own ghost hunter reality show call ghost guys before soon the two brothers were shown leaving.

"Next time we do background checks when hiring someone"tesha deadpanned at her brother before walking away

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