Chapter 8- A new ally?

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"Ughh....I swear, using godstep really takes a huge till on this body." I groaned. "You are a masochist anyways so that shouldn't be a problem to you." said caera sheepishly.

"Hey! I am not a masochist!"I yelled back at her. "Yeah, yeah sure whatever let's you sleep at night." she said.

"Now can you explain me as to why you have bought me here to this cave?" She asked. "No, it's better if you see it for yourself. Let's go." I said while signalling her to follow me, as we both went inside the cave.

'Hey regis, you up?' I asked my pet. He didn't reply so I took it as a no and thought that he was still hibernating.

After walking a bit inside the cave I could feel that the temperature around us was dropping. I held Caera's hand and augmented us both by channeling mana and a little bit of aether, so that they would keep us warm.

'You both are sent here by Sylvia right?' both me and Caera heard a voice in our mind. I of course knew who it was as Sylvia told me about it earlier, but Caera was shocked and looked around her to find the source of the voice. Then she gave me a look, which asked me 'Art, do you know where this voice is coming from?'

"Yes, we are. Grandma Sylvia sent us here to talk to you about a matter." I said ignoring caera's question and gaze.
'Fine then, I will guide you two to where I am right now. And their are no mana beasts inside the cave so you both should be easily able to come and find me.' the unknown voice said.

Then it gave us the directions towards its resting point. Me and Caera followed the directions given by the voice, we both were on our guards just in case.

The voice finally stopped directing us after almost 15 minutes and we were infront of a small hole. 'Both of you, augment yourselves with mana and jump down from that hole and you'll be able to find me.' the voice said again.

I looked at caera, giving her a confirmation and told her to jump after me. I then jumped and Caera followed my suit. The jump was quite a long one, the small hole from where me and Caera both jumped from was quite deep.

After a few seconds I finally landed perfectly on the ground and catched caera who  arrived just a second later than I did.
Putting Caera down, we both examined our surrounding. The place that we had fallen into was........ beautiful to say the least. One half of the area was covered with thick ice while the other half was covered with blue fire.

After checking our surroundings for a bit both my and caera's eyes settled onto a figure. Blue in colour but as big as Sylvia, no maybe a bit bigger than her in her dragon form. It emitted an otherworldly presence, yeah I was used to the presence of asuras. But the presence and the looks that the being gave who was infront of us was awe inspiring.


After jumping off from that small hole, both me and Art started to check out surroundings and finally both of ours eyes settled on one thing.

Blue in colour, big wings and blue fire emitting from the top of its head, figure similar to that of a eagle's but larger and elegant. As beautiful as the beast infront of us was, it was dangerous. It was a blue Phoenix. It was different from the phoenixes that I had seen in any books, usually they would be of red or orange color but the phoenix that was just infront of was unusual. seemed like she was dying, she was probably stabbed near her stomach I thought from seeing the wound she had.

I grabbed Art's hand and tried to pull him back, "We finally meet,my little guests." the phoenix said.

"My name is Lumina, and as you both can see I am a phoenix. And please make yourselves comfortable I mean no harm. Afterall if Sylvia allowed you both to call her grandma then she cares and trusts you both deeply." said the phoenix now known as lumina.

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