Chapter one

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"Pizza or Sushi?" Remus asked Chloe as he flipped through the phone book.

"Pizza." Chloe answered almost immediately. "Monopoly or Blackjack?" she asked in return.

Remus hummed in doubt, obviously distracted by looking up the phone number of the pizza place.

"Ha, too slow! You hesitated, which means I get to choose, which means you'll be losing at Blackjack tonight." Chloe grinned, very satisfied with herself.

Remus' mouth hung open, a fake look of offence on his face. "How dare you."

Chloe chuckled, "I don't make the rules." That was actually not entirely true. Chloe and Remus both had tendencies to be indecisive, which made decisions like where to eat unnecessarily difficult. When Chloe was eight, they both had enough from their endless doubting, so they made it into a game. Decisions must always come in even numbers, so that they can trade making the decisions. When one of them doesn't respond quickly enough, the other gets to decide. It was silly, but it had become a tradition between the two of them. Plus it saved them a lot of time.

Their pizza arrived shortly after and the two of them sat down at their small dining table. Remus still lived in the same apartment as he did years ago when Chloe first came to live with him. Aside from Chloe's room, which used to be an unused guest room, not much had changed in the interior. A lot of other things had changed for Remus, though. Chloe was an interesting kid to parent. She was quite capable at taking care of herself most of the time, and she had a love for mischief that Remus was familiar with. When Chloe was first brought to him, it was obvious that she had been neglected. One of the first things they did together was go to the optician. The girl desperately needed glasses, but her father had never noticed, or cared enough to get them. There was not one part of Remus that regretted saying yes to Dumbledore that night.

Chloe thought the silence between the two of them as they shared their pizza to be a bit uncomfortable. Things had been different ever since Sirius Black broke out. Remus didn't like talking about it, but it wasn't hard to see how he was struggling. The both of them thought it was best to just avoid the subject of Black all together. "So, are you curious to see how Hogwarts has changed?"

Remus softly smiled. "Yes, though I don't think much has changed. Most of the professors are still there, the same ghosts still wander through the halls, I doubt much besides the students themselves have changed." Remus let out a sigh, he really didn't want to talk about this, but he thought he had to. "Chloe, we should talk about Black."

Chloe frowned. She did not think they had to talk about him at all. "Remus we don't have to talk about him if you don't want to."

"Yes we do, Chlo. I'm worried about you."

This man was truly ridiculous. "You're worried about me? Why on earth would you be worried about me? I am not the one who stares at every article about him in every muggle newspaper for ages!" she argued.

Remus rolled his eyes. "Chlo, Sirius Black, I-.'' Remus hesitated. Maybe Chloe was right, maybe this subject was more difficult for him than for her. "I thought I knew Sirius Black better than anyone I had ever known before, okay? What he did, I have zero explanations for. It doesn't make sense. Whatever he is going to do, it's quite unpredictable."

Chloe frowned. "I thought he was going after Harry Potter."

"Yes, well- wait. How do you know he is going after Harry Potter?" Remus asked, confused.

Chloe's cheeks got red, as they usually did when she was caught doing something. "You left a letter from Arthur open on the table last week."

"What, and you actually read- nevermind, that is not the conversation we are having right now." Remus interrupted himself. "Yes, it is highly likely that Sirius is out to get Harry, but we can't be sure that that is all he's after, and we can never be too careful."

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