Another day, another horrible Potions class to sit through. Chloe had fully made up with both Katie and George, which she was relieved about. Every ounce of happiness she had however, seemed to go away after walking into the Potions classroom.
"It even smells like grease." Chloe whispered to Angelina. Angelina chuckled in return, seeming to never get sick of Chloe insulting Snape.
Despite really not having the motivation to write it, Chloe finished the entire essay that was due for homework today. She didn't think it was of good quality, but it was done to the best of her abilities. Besides, the Gryffindors shared the Potions class with the Slytherins and Chloe heard a rumour that they had a party last night, so she suspected they all didn't write their essays.
Snape went around the classroom to collect everyone's essays. The look on his face suggested that he smelled something disgusting, although Chloe suspected it was his own coffee breath.
"Essays. Now." He grumbled once he got to the table in front of Chloe and Angelina, where Alicia was sitting next to Kenneth Towler. Alicia frantically searched through her bag, apparently not able to find her essay.
"I- I'm sorry," Alicia stuttered, "I don't know what happened. I must have left it in my dorm, but I'll bring it to you right after class. I'll just run back to my dorm and give it to you." She explained quickly, hoping Snape was in a merciful mood today. Sadly he almost never was.
"I'll see you in detention tonight, Miss Spinnett." Snape unsurprisingly said.
Alicia desperately tried to turn the situation around, "I can still turn in the essay, I'll go get it, really."
"That essay is of no worth to me, you might as well burn it." Snape dryly said. Chloe rolled her eyes at his dramatics. She knew how hard Alicia had worked on the essay. Alicia had never had a detention before, and that meant a lot to her. Alicia always got straight O's and handed everything in on time. Chloe knew she was going to be really pissed at Snape for this.
Alicia's patience with the greasy-haired man seemed gone. "Fine, I'm looking forward to seeing you." Alicia hissed passive aggressively.
Chloe silently handed over her essay to the professor. Snape however snatched it out of her hands.
"It surprises me that you had time for this, I thought you would have been busy helping your father with getting Sirius Black into the castle." Snape said.
Chloe looked at the man with an offended look. "Excuse me? You think I helped Sirius Black into the castle?"
"Yes." Snape merely said.
"Yes, Miss Lupin." Chloe corrected him. She had had it with the Sirius Black debates, so she decided to nag him about something else.
"Excuse me?" Snape now started to look angry, and Chloe noticed the entire classroom was listening into their conversation.
"Oh, didn't your mother tell you it's impolite to speak with less than two words?"
Snape started to hold Chloe's essay tighter and tighter, and Chloe noticed it started to crumple under the pressure. "Detention for you as well, Miss Lupin." Snape hissed out the last part.
"I'm honoured that you wish to be annoyed with me for even more time today, Professor." Chloe nodded with a fake smile on her face, burning with rage on the inside. If only that foul man knew how much Remus had been struggling since Black escaped.
Snape moved on and Alicia shot Chloe a look of sympathy from in front of her. At least the two had detention together.
Chloe let out a sigh of relief when she walked out of the classroom, though her relief was shadowed over by the thought of having detention there tonight. She walked back to the common room with Angelina and Alicia by her sides.

Equation of you [ George Weasley ]
Fanfiction"I truly don't know anyone like you." "Good, I should hope not." Chloe Lupin has an expertise in Arithmancy and Ancient Runes. She is much more unsure and clumsy in every other part of life. She struggles with her family, biological as well as the o...